Commit 3b0a1b7e by Prem Sichanugrist

Fix test variable leakage

parent 3f7dc688
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ describe 'VideoPlayer', ->
describe 'when not on a touch based device', ->
beforeEach ->
window.onTouchBasedDevice = -> false
spyOn(window, 'onTouchBasedDevice').andReturn false
spyOn @player, 'play'
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ describe 'VideoPlayer', ->
describe 'when on a touch based device', ->
beforeEach ->
window.onTouchBasedDevice = -> true
spyOn(window, 'onTouchBasedDevice').andReturn true
spyOn @player, 'play'
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