Commit 39c7e30d by raeeschachar

Merge pull request #9514 from edx/raees-chrome-bok-choy-test-about-me-field

Fixed test_about_me_field failing on chrome bok choy
parents 9eafe4df a908f287
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class OwnLearnerProfilePageTest(LearnerProfileTestMixin, WebAppTest):
username, user_id = self.log_in_as_unique_user()
profile_page = self.visit_profile_page(username, privacy=self.PRIVACY_PUBLIC)
self._test_textarea_field(profile_page, 'bio', 'Eat Sleep Code', 'Eat Sleep Code', 'display')
self._test_textarea_field(profile_page, 'bio', 'ThisIsIt', 'ThisIsIt', 'display')
self._test_textarea_field(profile_page, 'bio', '', placeholder_value, 'placeholder')
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