Commit 385a62d7 by Diana Huang

Handle multiple inputs properly for ajax handling.

parent 6f535d9e
......@@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
if not self.student_answers: # True when student_answers is an empty dict
self.inputs = {}
self.extracted_tree = self._extract_html(self.tree)
......@@ -337,10 +339,16 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
It also parses out the dispatch from the get so that it can be passed onto the input type nicely
if self.input:
# pull out the id
problem_id = get['problem_id']
if self.inputs[problem_id]:
dispatch = get['dispatch']
return self.input.handle_ajax(dispatch, get)
return {}
return self.inputs[problem_id].handle_ajax(dispatch, get)
log.warning("Could not find matching input for id: %s" % problem_id)
return {}
# ======= Private Methods Below ========
......@@ -526,8 +534,8 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
input_type_cls = inputtypes.registry.get_class_for_tag(problemtree.tag)
# save the input type so that we can make ajax calls on it if we need to
self.input = input_type_cls(self.system, problemtree, state)
return self.input.get_html()
self.inputs[problemid] = input_type_cls(self.system, problemtree, state)
return self.inputs[problemid].get_html()
# let each Response render itself
if problemtree in self.responders:
......@@ -79,8 +79,9 @@ class @Problem
# Use this if you want to make an ajax call on the input type object
# static method so you don't have to instantiate a Problem in order to use it
@inputAjax: (url, dispatch, data, callback) ->
@inputAjax: (url, problem_id, dispatch, data, callback) ->
data['dispatch'] = dispatch
data['problem_id'] = problem_id
$.postWithPrefix "#{url}/input_ajax", data, callback
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