Commit 3857a1c1 by Braden MacDonald Committed by E. Kolpakov

Support for overriding Scope.settings values when library content is used in a course

parent 21b02544
......@@ -683,3 +683,130 @@ class TestLibraryAccess(LibraryTestCase):
self._bind_module(lc_block, user=self.non_staff_user) # We must use the CMS's module system in order to get permissions checks.
lc_block = self._refresh_children(lc_block, status_code_expected=200 if expected_result else 403)
self.assertEqual(len(lc_block.children), 1 if expected_result else 0)
class TestOverrides(LibraryTestCase):
Test that overriding block Scope.settings fields from a library in a specific course works
def setUp(self):
super(TestOverrides, self).setUp()
self.original_display_name = "A Problem Block"
self.original_weight = 1
# Create a problem block in the library:
self.problem = ItemFactory.create(
display_name=self.original_display_name, # display_name is a Scope.settings field
weight=self.original_weight, # weight is also a Scope.settings field,
# Also create a course:
with modulestore().default_store(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split):
self.course = CourseFactory.create()
# Add a LibraryContent block to the course:
self.lc_block = self._add_library_content_block(self.course, self.lib_key)
self.lc_block = self._refresh_children(self.lc_block)
self.problem_in_course = modulestore().get_item(self.lc_block.children[0])
def test_overrides(self):
Test that we can override Scope.settings values in a course.
new_display_name = "Modified Problem Title"
new_weight = 10
self.problem_in_course.display_name = new_display_name
self.problem_in_course.weight = new_weight
# Add a second LibraryContent block to the course, with no override:
lc_block2 = self._add_library_content_block(self.course, self.lib_key)
lc_block2 = self._refresh_children(lc_block2)
# Re-load the two problem blocks - one with and one without an override:
self.problem_in_course = modulestore().get_item(self.lc_block.children[0])
problem2_in_course = modulestore().get_item(lc_block2.children[0])
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.display_name, new_display_name)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.weight, new_weight)
self.assertEqual(problem2_in_course.display_name, self.original_display_name)
self.assertEqual(problem2_in_course.weight, self.original_weight)
def test_reset_override(self):
If we override a setting and then reset it, we should get the library value.
new_display_name = "Modified Problem Title"
new_weight = 10
self.problem_in_course.display_name = new_display_name
self.problem_in_course.weight = new_weight
self.problem_in_course = modulestore().get_item(self.problem_in_course.location)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.display_name, new_display_name)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.weight, new_weight)
# Reset:
for field_name in ["display_name", "weight"]:
# Save, reload, and verify:
self.problem_in_course = modulestore().get_item(self.problem_in_course.location)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.display_name, self.original_display_name)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.weight, self.original_weight)
def test_consistent_definitions(self):
Make sure that the new child of the LibraryContent block
shares its definition with the original (self.problem).
This test is specific to split mongo.
definition_id = self.problem.definition_locator.definition_id
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.definition_locator.definition_id, definition_id)
# Now even if we change some Scope.settings fields and refresh, the definition should be unchanged
self.problem.weight = 20
self.problem.display_name = "NEW"
self.lc_block = self._refresh_children(self.lc_block)
self.problem_in_course = modulestore().get_item(self.problem_in_course.location)
self.assertEqual(self.problem.definition_locator.definition_id, definition_id)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.definition_locator.definition_id, definition_id)
def test_persistent_overrides(self):
Test that when we override Scope.settings values in a course,
the override values persist even when the block is refreshed
with updated blocks from the library.
new_display_name = "Modified Problem Title"
new_weight = 15
self.problem_in_course.display_name = new_display_name
self.problem_in_course.weight = new_weight
self.problem_in_course = modulestore().get_item(self.problem_in_course.location)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.display_name, new_display_name)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.weight, new_weight)
# Change the settings in the library version:
self.problem.display_name = "X"
self.problem.weight = 99
new_data_value = "<problem><p>We change the data as well to check that non-overriden fields do get updated.</p></problem>" = new_data_value
self.lc_block = self._refresh_children(self.lc_block)
self.problem_in_course = modulestore().get_item(self.problem_in_course.location)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.display_name, new_display_name)
self.assertEqual(self.problem_in_course.weight, new_weight)
self.assertEqual(, new_data_value)
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class LibraryContentDescriptor(LibraryContentFields, MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDe
js_module_name = "VerticalDescriptor"
def refresh_children(self, request=None, suffix=None, update_db=True): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
def refresh_children(self, request=None, suffix=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Refresh children:
This method is to be used when any of the libraries that this block
......@@ -335,15 +335,12 @@ class LibraryContentDescriptor(LibraryContentFields, MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDe
This method will update this block's 'source_libraries' field to store
the version number of the libraries used, so we easily determine if
this block is up to date or not.
If update_db is True (default), this will explicitly persist the changes
to the modulestore by calling update_item()
lib_tools = self.runtime.service(self, 'library_tools')
user_service = self.runtime.service(self, 'user')
user_perms = self.runtime.service(self, 'studio_user_permissions')
user_id = user_service.user_id if user_service else None # May be None when creating bok choy test fixtures
lib_tools.update_children(self, user_id, user_perms, update_db)
lib_tools.update_children(self, user_id, user_perms)
return Response()
def _validate_library_version(self, validation, lib_tools, version, library_key):
......@@ -451,7 +448,7 @@ class LibraryContentDescriptor(LibraryContentFields, MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDe
if (set(old_source_libraries) != set(self.source_libraries) or
old_metadata.get('capa_type', ANY_CAPA_TYPE_VALUE) != self.capa_type):
self.refresh_children(None, None, update_db=False) # update_db=False since update_item() is about to be called anyways
except ValueError:
pass # The validation area will display an error message, no need to do anything now.
XBlock runtime services for LibraryContentModule
import hashlib
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import LibraryLocator
from xblock.fields import Scope
from xmodule.library_content_module import LibraryVersionReference, ANY_CAPA_TYPE_VALUE
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.capa_module import CapaDescriptor
......@@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ class LibraryToolsService(object):
assert isinstance(descriptor, CapaDescriptor)
return capa_type in descriptor.problem_types
def update_children(self, dest_block, user_id, user_perms=None, update_db=True):
def update_children(self, dest_block, user_id, user_perms=None):
This method is to be used when any of the libraries that a LibraryContentModule
references have been updated. It will re-fetch all matching blocks from
......@@ -71,82 +69,28 @@ class LibraryToolsService(object):
This method will update dest_block's 'source_libraries' field to store
the version number of the libraries used, so we easily determine if
dest_block is up to date or not.
If update_db is True (default), this will explicitly persist the changes
to the modulestore by calling update_item(). Only set update_db False if
you know for sure that dest_block is about to be saved to the modulestore
anyways. Otherwise, orphaned blocks may be created.
root_children = []
if user_perms and not user_perms.can_write(dest_block.location.course_key):
raise PermissionDenied()
# Currently, ALL children are essentially deleted and then re-added
# in a way that preserves their block_ids (and thus should preserve
# student data, grades, analytics, etc.)
# Once course-level field overrides are implemented, this will
# change to a more conservative implementation.
# First, load and validate the source_libraries:
libraries = []
for library_key, old_version in dest_block.source_libraries: # pylint: disable=unused-variable
library = self._get_library(library_key)
if library is None:
raise ValueError("Required library not found.")
if user_perms and not user_perms.can_read(library_key):
raise PermissionDenied()
libraries.append((library_key, library))
new_libraries = []
source_blocks = []
for library_key, __ in dest_block.source_libraries:
library = self._get_library(library_key)
if library is None:
raise ValueError("Required library not found.")
if user_perms and not user_perms.can_read(library_key):
raise PermissionDenied()
filter_children = (dest_block.capa_type != ANY_CAPA_TYPE_VALUE)
if filter_children:
# Apply simple filtering based on CAPA problem types:
source_blocks.extend([key for key in library.children if self._filter_child(key, dest_block.capa_type)])
new_libraries.append(LibraryVersionReference(library_key, library.location.library_key.version_guid))
# Next, delete all our existing children to avoid block_id conflicts when we add them:
for child in dest_block.children:, user_id)
# Now add all matching children, and record the library version we use:
new_libraries = []
for library_key, library in libraries:
def copy_children_recursively(from_block, filter_problem_type=False):
Internal method to copy blocks from the library recursively
new_children = []
if filter_problem_type:
filtered_children = [key for key in from_block.children if self._filter_child(key, dest_block.capa_type)]
filtered_children = from_block.children
for child_key in filtered_children:
child =, depth=None)
# We compute a block_id for each matching child block found in the library.
# block_ids are unique within any branch, but are not unique per-course or globally.
# We need our block_ids to be consistent when content in the library is updated, so
# we compute block_id as a hash of three pieces of data:
unique_data = "{}:{}:{}".format(
dest_block.location.block_id, # Must not clash with other usages of the same library in this course
unicode(library_key.for_version(None)).encode("utf-8"), # The block ID below is only unique within a library, so we need this too
child_key.block_id, # Child block ID. Should not change even if the block is edited.
child_block_id = hashlib.sha1(unique_data).hexdigest()[:20]
fields = {}
for field in child.fields.itervalues():
if field.scope == Scope.settings and field.is_set_on(child):
fields[] = field.read_from(child)
if child.has_children:
fields['children'] = copy_children_recursively(from_block=child)
new_child_info =
return new_children
root_children.extend(copy_children_recursively(from_block=library, filter_problem_type=True))
new_libraries.append(LibraryVersionReference(library_key, library.location.library_key.version_guid))
dest_block.source_libraries = new_libraries
dest_block.children = root_children
if update_db:, user_id), user_id)
dest_block.children =, dest_block.location, user_id)
# ^-- copy_from_template updates the children in the DB but we must also set .children here to avoid overwriting the DB again
......@@ -283,6 +283,8 @@ class InheritanceKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
def default(self, key):
Check to see if the default should be from inheritance rather than from the field's global default
Check to see if the default should be from inheritance. If not
inheriting, this will raise KeyError which will cause the caller to use
the field's global default.
return self.inherited_settings[key.field_name]
......@@ -677,6 +677,14 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
return store.import_xblock(user_id, course_key, block_type, block_id, fields, runtime)
def copy_from_template(self, source_keys, dest_key, user_id, **kwargs):
See :py:meth `SplitMongoModuleStore.copy_from_template`
store = self._verify_modulestore_support(dest_key.course_key, 'copy_from_template')
return store.copy_from_template(source_keys, dest_key, user_id)
def update_item(self, xblock, user_id, allow_not_found=False, **kwargs):
Update the xblock persisted to be the same as the given for all types of fields
......@@ -169,16 +169,17 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
if block_key is None:
block_key = BlockKey(json_data['block_type'], LocalId())
convert_fields = lambda field: self.modulestore.convert_references_to_keys(
course_key, class_, field, self.course_entry.structure['blocks'],
if definition_id is not None and not json_data.get('definition_loaded', False):
definition_loader = DefinitionLazyLoader(
lambda fields: self.modulestore.convert_references_to_keys(
course_key, self.load_block_type(block_key.type),
fields, self.course_entry.structure['blocks'],
definition_loader = None
......@@ -193,9 +194,8 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):,
converted_fields = self.modulestore.convert_references_to_keys(
block_locator.course_key, class_, json_data.get('fields', {}), self.course_entry.structure['blocks'],
converted_fields = convert_fields(json_data.get('fields', {}))
converted_defaults = convert_fields(json_data.get('defaults', {}))
if block_key in self._parent_map:
parent_key = self._parent_map[block_key]
parent = course_key.make_usage_key(parent_key.type,
......@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
kvs = SplitMongoKVS(
......@@ -93,6 +93,26 @@ class DraftVersioningModuleStore(SplitMongoModuleStore, ModuleStoreDraftAndPubli
# version_agnostic b/c of above assumption in docstring
self.publish(location.version_agnostic(), user_id, blacklist=EXCLUDE_ALL, **kwargs)
def copy_from_template(self, source_keys, dest_key, user_id, **kwargs):
See :py:meth `SplitMongoModuleStore.copy_from_template`
source_keys = [self._map_revision_to_branch(key) for key in source_keys]
dest_key = self._map_revision_to_branch(dest_key)
new_keys = super(DraftVersioningModuleStore, self).copy_from_template(source_keys, dest_key, user_id)
if dest_key.branch == ModuleStoreEnum.BranchName.draft:
# Check if any of new_keys or their descendants need to be auto-published.
# We don't use _auto_publish_no_children since children may need to be published.
with self.bulk_operations(dest_key.course_key):
keys_to_check = list(new_keys)
while keys_to_check:
usage_key = keys_to_check.pop()
if usage_key.category in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES:
self.publish(usage_key.version_agnostic(), user_id, blacklist=EXCLUDE_ALL, **kwargs)
children = getattr(self.get_item(usage_key, **kwargs), "children", [])
keys_to_check.extend(children) # e.g. if usage_key is a chapter, it may have an auto-publish sequential child
return new_keys
def update_item(self, descriptor, user_id, allow_not_found=False, force=False, **kwargs):
old_descriptor_locn = descriptor.location
descriptor.location = self._map_revision_to_branch(old_descriptor_locn)
......@@ -19,17 +19,20 @@ class SplitMongoKVS(InheritanceKeyValueStore):
@contract(parent="BlockUsageLocator | None")
def __init__(self, definition, initial_values, parent, field_decorator=None):
def __init__(self, definition, initial_values, default_values, parent, field_decorator=None):
:param definition: either a lazyloader or definition id for the definition
:param initial_values: a dictionary of the locally set values
:param default_values: any Scope.settings field defaults that are set locally
(copied from a template block with copy_from_template)
# deepcopy so that manipulations of fields does not pollute the source
super(SplitMongoKVS, self).__init__(copy.deepcopy(initial_values))
self._definition = definition # either a DefinitionLazyLoader or the db id of the definition.
# if the db id, then the definition is presumed to be loaded into _fields
self._defaults = default_values
# a decorator function for field values (to be called when a field is accessed)
if field_decorator is None:
self.field_decorator = lambda x: x
......@@ -110,6 +113,16 @@ class SplitMongoKVS(InheritanceKeyValueStore):
# if someone changes it so that they do, then change any tests of in xx._field_data
return key.field_name in self._fields
def default(self, key):
Check to see if the default should be from the template's defaults (if any)
rather than the global default or inheritance.
if self._defaults and key.field_name in self._defaults:
return self._defaults[key.field_name]
# If not, try inheriting from a parent, then use the XBlock type's normal default value:
return super(SplitMongoKVS, self).default(key)
def _load_definition(self):
Update fields w/ the lazily loaded definitions
......@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ from mock import patch
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import LibraryLocator
from xblock.fragment import Fragment
from xblock.runtime import Runtime as VanillaRuntime
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import DuplicateCourseError
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import LibraryFactory, ItemFactory, check_mongo_calls
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import DuplicateCourseError, ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, LibraryFactory, ItemFactory, check_mongo_calls
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.utils import MixedSplitTestCase
from xmodule.x_module import AUTHOR_VIEW
......@@ -217,3 +218,142 @@ class TestLibraries(MixedSplitTestCase):,
class TestSplitCopyTemplate(MixedSplitTestCase):
Test for split's copy_from_template method.
Currently it is only used for content libraries.
However for this test, we make sure it also works when copying from course to course.
def test_copy_from_template(self, source_type):
Test that the behavior of copy_from_template() matches its docstring
source_container = source_type.create( # Either a library or a course
course = CourseFactory.create(
# Add a vertical with a capa child to the source library/course:
vertical_block = ItemFactory.create(
problem_library_display_name = "Problem Library Display Name"
problem_block = ItemFactory.create(
markdown="Problem markdown here"
if source_type == LibraryFactory:
source_container =, remove_version=False, remove_branch=False)
source_container =, remove_version=False, remove_branch=False)
# Inherit the vertical and the problem from the library into the course:
source_keys = [source_container.children[0]]
new_blocks =, dest_key=course.location, user_id=self.user_id)
self.assertEqual(len(new_blocks), 1)
course = # Reload from modulestore
self.assertEqual(len(course.children), 1)
vertical_block_course =[0])
self.assertEqual(new_blocks[0], vertical_block_course.location)
problem_block_course =[0])
self.assertEqual(problem_block_course.display_name, problem_library_display_name)
# Override the display_name and weight:
new_display_name = "The Trouble with Tribbles"
new_weight = 20
problem_block_course.display_name = new_display_name
problem_block_course.weight = new_weight, self.user_id)
# Test that "Any previously existing children of `dest_usage` that haven't been replaced/updated by this copy_from_template operation will be deleted."
extra_block = ItemFactory.create(
# Repeat the copy_from_template():
new_blocks2 =, dest_key=course.location, user_id=self.user_id)
self.assertEqual(new_blocks, new_blocks2)
# Reload problem_block_course:
problem_block_course =
self.assertEqual(problem_block_course.display_name, new_display_name)
self.assertEqual(problem_block_course.weight, new_weight)
# Ensure that extra_block was deleted:
vertical_block_course =[0])
self.assertEqual(len(vertical_block_course.children), 1)
with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
def test_copy_from_template_auto_publish(self):
Make sure that copy_from_template works with things like 'chapter' that
are always auto-published.
source_course = CourseFactory.create(
course = CourseFactory.create(
make_block = lambda category, parent: ItemFactory.create(category=category, parent_location=parent.location, user_id=self.user_id,
# Populate the course:
about = make_block("about", source_course)
chapter = make_block("chapter", source_course)
sequential = make_block("sequential", chapter)
# And three blocks that are NOT auto-published:
vertical = make_block("vertical", sequential)
make_block("problem", vertical)
html = make_block("html", source_course)
# Reload source_course since we need its branch and version to use copy_from_template:
source_course =, remove_version=False, remove_branch=False)
# Inherit the vertical and the problem from the library into the course:
source_keys = [block.location for block in [about, chapter, html]]
block_keys =, dest_key=course.location, user_id=self.user_id)
self.assertEqual(len(block_keys), len(source_keys))
# Build dict of the new blocks in 'course', keyed by category (which is a unique key in our case)
new_blocks = {}
block_keys = set(block_keys)
while block_keys:
key = block_keys.pop()
block =
new_blocks[block.category] = block
block_keys.update(set(getattr(block, "children", [])))
# Check that auto-publish blocks with no children are indeed published:
def published_version_exists(block):
""" Does a published version of block exist? """
return True
except ItemNotFoundError:
return False
# Check that the auto-publish blocks have been published:
self.assertTrue(published_version_exists(new_blocks["chapter"])) # We can't use has_changes because it includes descendants
self.assertTrue(published_version_exists(new_blocks["sequential"])) # Ditto
# Check that non-auto-publish blocks and blocks with non-auto-publish descendants show changes:
self.assertTrue(["chapter"])) # Will have changes since a child block has changes.
self.assertFalse(published_version_exists(new_blocks["vertical"])) # Verify that our published_version_exists works
......@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ class TestLibraries(MixedSplitTestCase):
# is updated, but the way we do it through a factory doesn't do that.
self.assertEqual(len(self.lc_block.children), 0)
# Update the LibraryContent module:
self.lc_block.refresh_children(None, None)
self.lc_block =
# Check that all blocks from the library are now children of the block:
self.assertEqual(len(self.lc_block.children), len(self.lib_blocks))
......@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ class TestLibraries(MixedSplitTestCase):
Test that each student sees only one block as a child of the LibraryContent block.
self.lc_block.refresh_children(None, None)
self.lc_block =
# Make sure the runtime knows that the block's children vary per-user:
......@@ -1250,6 +1250,7 @@ class DescriptorSystem(MetricsMixin, ConfigurableFragmentWrapper, Runtime): # p
:param xblock:
:param field:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# in runtime b/c runtime contains app-specific xblock behavior. Studio's the only app
# which needs this level of introspection right now. runtime also is 'allowed' to know
# about the kvs, dbmodel, etc.
......@@ -1257,12 +1258,8 @@ class DescriptorSystem(MetricsMixin, ConfigurableFragmentWrapper, Runtime): # p
result = {}
result['explicitly_set'] = xblock._field_data.has(xblock,
block_inherited = xblock.xblock_kvs.inherited_settings
except AttributeError: # if inherited_settings doesn't exist on kvs
block_inherited = {}
if in block_inherited:
result['default_value'] = block_inherited[]
result['default_value'] = xblock._field_data.default(xblock,
except KeyError:
result['default_value'] = field.to_json(field.default)
return result
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