Commit 38163cf9 by polesye

BLD-410: Add tests.

parent 957f3184
......@@ -79,19 +79,13 @@ Feature: CMS.Video Component
And I see caption line with data-index "0" has class "focused"
# 11
# Disabled until we come up with a more solid test, as this one is brittle.
# Scenario: When start end end times are specified, a range on slider is shown
# Given I have created a Video component
# And Make sure captions are closed
# And I edit the component
# And I open tab "Advanced"
# And I set value "12" to the field "Start Time"
# And I set value "24" to the field "End Time"
# And I save changes
# And I click video button "Play"
# The below line is a bit flaky. Numbers 73 and 73 were determined rather
# accidentally. They might change in the future as Video player gets CSS
# updates. If this test starts failing, 99.9% cause of failure is the line
# below.
# Then I see a range on slider with styles "left" set to 73 px and "width" set to 73 px
Scenario: When start end end times are specified, a range on slider is shown
Given I have created a Video component
And Make sure captions are closed
And I edit the component
And I open tab "Advanced"
And I set value "00:00:12" to the field "Start Time"
And I set value "00:00:24" to the field "End Time"
And I save changes
And I click video button "play"
Then I see a range on slider
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
'CC': '.hide-subtitles',
'volume': '.volume',
'Play': '',
'play': '',
'pause': '.video_control.pause',
......@@ -183,17 +184,11 @@ def caption_line_has_class(_step, index, className):
world.css_has_class(SELECTOR, className.strip())
@step('I see a range on slider with styles "left" set to (.+) px and "width" set to (.+) px$')
def see_a_range_slider_with_proper_range(_step, left, width):
left = int(left.strip())
width = int(width.strip())
@step('I see a range on slider$')
def see_a_range_slider_with_proper_range(_step):
slider_range = world.browser.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".slider-range")
assert int(round(float(slider_range.value_of_css_property("left")[:-2]))) == left
assert int(round(float(slider_range.value_of_css_property("width")[:-2]))) == width
assert world.css_visible(".slider-range")
@step('I click video button "([^"]*)"$')
......@@ -248,6 +248,43 @@
it('getRangeParams' , function() {
var testCases = [
startTime: 10,
endTime: 20,
duration: 150
startTime: 90,
endTime: 100,
duration: 100
startTime: 0,
endTime: 200,
duration: 200
$.each(testCases, function(index, testCase) {
var step = 100/testCase.duration,
left = testCase.startTime*step,
width = testCase.endTime*step - left,
expectedParams = {
left: left + '%',
width: width + '%'
params = videoProgressSlider.getRangeParams(
testCase.startTime, testCase.endTime, testCase.duration
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ function () {
function _makeFunctionsPublic(state) {
var methodsDict = {
buildSlider: buildSlider,
getRangeParams: getRangeParams,
onSlide: onSlide,
onStop: onStop,
updatePlayTime: updatePlayTime,
......@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ function () {
function updateStartEndTimeRegion(params) {
var left, width, start, end, step, duration;
var left, width, start, end, duration, rangeParams;
// We must have a duration in order to determine the area of range.
// It also must be non-zero.
......@@ -128,9 +129,8 @@ function () {
// This will ensure that visually, the start-end range aligns nicely
// with actual starting and ending point of the video.
step = 100.0 / duration;
left = start * step;
width = end * step - left;
rangeParams = getRangeParams(start, end, duration);
if (!this.videoProgressSlider.sliderRange) {
this.videoProgressSlider.sliderRange = $('<div />', {
......@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ function () {
'ui-corner-all ' +
left: left + '%',
width: width + '%'
left: rangeParams.left,
width: rangeParams.width
......@@ -148,12 +148,23 @@ function () {
} else {
left: left + '%',
width: width + '%'
left: rangeParams.left,
width: rangeParams.width
function getRangeParams(startTime, endTime, duration) {
var step = 100 / duration,
left = startTime * step,
width = endTime * step - left;
return {
left: left + '%',
width: width + '%'
function onSlide(event, ui) {
this.videoProgressSlider.frozen = true;
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