Commit 37ca6bf7 by Ned Batchelder

Move our specialization of safe_exec into a new module to avoid circular imports.

parent 6297d645
......@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Main module which shows problems (of "capa" type).
This is used by capa_module.
from __future__ import division
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import math
......@@ -29,17 +27,6 @@ from lxml import etree
from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape
from copy import deepcopy
<<<<<<< HEAD
import chem
import chem.miller
import chem.chemcalc
import chem.chemtools
import verifiers
import verifiers.draganddrop
import calc
>>>>>>> Work in progress to sandbox the uses of eval in LMS.
from .correctmap import CorrectMap
import inputtypes
import customrender
......@@ -48,8 +35,7 @@ import xqueue_interface
# to be replaced with auto-registering
import responsetypes
from codejail.safe_exec import safe_exec
import safe_exec
# dict of tagname, Response Class -- this should come from auto-registering
response_tag_dict = dict([(x.response_tag, x) for x in responsetypes.__all__])
......@@ -66,32 +52,6 @@ html_transforms = {'problem': {'tag': 'div'},
"math": {'tag': 'span'},
<<<<<<< HEAD
global_context = {'random': random,
'numpy': numpy,
'math': math,
'scipy': scipy,
'calc': calc,
'eia': eia,
'chemcalc': chem.chemcalc,
'chemtools': chem.chemtools,
'miller': chem.miller,
'draganddrop': verifiers.draganddrop}
safe_exec_assumed_imports = [
("chemcalc", "chem.chemcalc"),
("chemtools", "chem.chemtools"),
("miller", "chem.miller"),
("draganddrop", "verifiers.draganddrop"),
>>>>>>> Work in progress to sandbox the uses of eval in LMS.
# These should be removed from HTML output, including all subelements
html_problem_semantics = ["codeparam", "responseparam", "answer", "script", "hintgroup", "openendedparam", "openendedrubric"]
......@@ -479,16 +439,6 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
## save global context in here also
#context = {'global_context': global_context}
## initialize context to have stuff in global_context
# put globals there also
#context['__builtins__'] = globals()['__builtins__']
context = {}
# pass instance of LoncapaProblem in
......@@ -523,7 +473,7 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
context['script_code'] += code
# use "context" for global context; thus defs in code are global within code
safe_exec(code, context, future_division=True, assumed_imports=safe_exec_assumed_imports)
safe_exec.safe_exec(code, context)
except Exception as err:
log.exception("Error while execing script code: " + code)
msg = "Error while executing script code: %s" % str(err).replace('<', '&lt;')
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ from lxml import etree
from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring as fromstring_bs # uses Beautiful Soup!!! FIXME?
import xqueue_interface
from codejail.safe_exec import safe_exec
import safe_exec
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -971,6 +971,11 @@ def sympy_check2():
if cfn:
log.debug("cfn = %s" % cfn)
# This is a bit twisty. We used to grab the cfn function from
# the context, but now that we sandbox Python execution, we
# can't get functions from previous executions. So we make an
# actual function that will re-execute the original script,
# and invoke the function with the data needed.
def make_check_function(script_code, cfn):
def check_function(expect, ans):
code = (script_code + "\n" +
......@@ -979,7 +984,7 @@ def sympy_check2():
'expect': expect,
'ans': ans,
safe_exec(code, globals_dict)
safe_exec.safe_exec(code, globals_dict)
return globals_dict['cfn_return']
return check_function
......@@ -1924,7 +1929,7 @@ class SchematicResponse(LoncapaResponse):
json.loads(student_answers[k]) for k in sorted(self.answer_ids)
self.context.update({'submission': submission})
safe_exec(self.code, {}, self.context)
safe_exec.safe_exec(self.code, {}, self.context)
cmap = CorrectMap()
self.answer_ids), self.context['correct'])))
"""Capa's specialized use of codejail.safe_exec."""
import codejail.safe_exec
def safe_exec(code, globals_dict, locals_dict=None):
code, globals_dict, locals_dict, future_division=True,
("chemcalc", "chem.chemcalc"),
("chemtools", "chem.chemtools"),
("miller", "chem.miller"),
("draganddrop", "verifiers.draganddrop"),
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