Commit 378f0562 by M. Rehan Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #15463 from edx/mrehan/set-val-yt-id-on-save

Override video xmodule's youtube id with the id coming from val YT profile
parents a6392e51 acfa80a6
......@@ -506,6 +506,16 @@ class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, VideoTranscriptsMixin, VideoStudioViewHandler
if metadata_was_changed_by_user:
self.edx_video_id = self.edx_video_id.strip()
# We want to override `youtube_id_1_0` with val youtube profile in the first place when someone adds/edits
# an `edx_video_id` or its underlying YT val profile. Without this, override will only happen when a user
# saves the video second time. This is because of the syncing of basic and advanced video settings which
# also syncs val youtube id from basic tab's `Video Url` to advanced tab's `Youtube ID`.
if self.edx_video_id and edxval_api:
val_youtube_id = edxval_api.get_url_for_profile(self.edx_video_id, 'youtube')
if val_youtube_id and self.youtube_id_1_0 != val_youtube_id:
self.youtube_id_1_0 = val_youtube_id
......@@ -1197,6 +1197,24 @@ class TestEditorSavedMethod(BaseTestXmodule):
item.editor_saved(self.user, old_metadata, None)
self.assertEqual(item.edx_video_id, stripped_video_id), TEST_DATA_SPLIT_MODULESTORE)
@patch('xmodule.video_module.video_module.edxval_api.get_url_for_profile', Mock(return_value='test_yt_id'))
def test_editor_saved_with_yt_val_profile(self, default_store):
Verify editor saved overrides `youtube_id_1_0` when a youtube val profile is there
for a given `edx_video_id`.
self.MODULESTORE = default_store
item =
self.assertEqual(item.youtube_id_1_0, '3_yD_cEKoCk')
# Now, modify `edx_video_id` and save should override `youtube_id_1_0`.
old_metadata = own_metadata(item)
item.edx_video_id = unicode(uuid4())
item.editor_saved(self.user, old_metadata, None)
self.assertEqual(item.youtube_id_1_0, 'test_yt_id')
class TestVideoDescriptorStudentViewJson(TestCase):
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