Unverified Commit 37844fd9 by Uman Shahzad Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #15947 from open-craft/allow-theme-template-block-override

Allow theme template block override
parents 167b2830 96e704e4
......@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ class DynamicTemplateLookup(TemplateLookup):
# Try to find themed template, i.e. see if current theme overrides the template
template = super(DynamicTemplateLookup, self).get_template(get_template_path_with_theme(uri))
# For an overriding template, the uri is the path to the same template, so the lookup always
# finds the same overriding template. If that's the case, route to exception so that the
# uri can be stripped of the path and the parent template can be found.
if template == super(DynamicTemplateLookup, self).get_template(uri):
raise TopLevelLookupException()
except TopLevelLookupException:
# strip off the prefix path to theme and look in default template dirs
template = super(DynamicTemplateLookup, self).get_template(strip_site_theme_templates_path(uri))
<%inherit file="dashboard.html" />
<%block name="pagetitle">Overridden Title!</%block>
<%block name="bodyextra">Overriden Body Extra!</%block>
......@@ -64,6 +64,30 @@ class TestComprehensiveThemeLMS(TestCase):
result = staticfiles.finders.find('test-theme/images/logo.png')
self.assertEqual(result, settings.TEST_THEME / 'lms/static/images/logo.png')
def test_override_block_in_parent(self):
Test that theme title is used instead of parent title.
dashboard_url = reverse('dashboard')
resp = self.client.get(dashboard_url)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
# This string comes from the 'pagetitle' block of the overriding theme.
self.assertContains(resp, "Overridden Title!")
def test_override_block_in_grandparent(self):
Test that theme title is used instead of parent's parent's title.
dashboard_url = reverse('dashboard')
resp = self.client.get(dashboard_url)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
# This string comes from the 'bodyextra' block of the overriding theme.
self.assertContains(resp, "Overriden Body Extra!")
class TestComprehensiveThemeCMS(TestCase):
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