Commit 37158bab by Daniel Friedman

Create standard way of updating a task's progress

parent e9292fb5
......@@ -148,6 +148,49 @@ def _get_current_task():
return current_task
class TaskProgress(object):
Encapsulates the current task's progress by keeping track of
'attempted', 'succeeded', 'skipped', 'failed', 'total',
'action_name', and 'duration_ms' values.
def __init__(self, action_name, total, start_time):
self.action_name = action_name = total
self.start_time = start_time
self.attempted = 0
self.succeeded = 0
self.skipped = 0
self.failed = 0
def update_task_state(self, extra_meta=None):
Update the current celery task's state to the progress state
specified by the current object. Returns the progress
dictionary for use by `run_main_task` and
extra_meta (dict): Extra metadata to pass to `update_state`
dict: The current task's progress dict
progress_dict = {
'action_name': self.action_name,
'attempted': self.attempted,
'succeeded': self.succeeded,
'skipped': self.skipped,
'failed': self.failed,
'duration_ms': int((time() - self.start_time) * 1000),
if extra_meta is not None:
_get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=progress_dict)
return progress_dict
def run_main_task(entry_id, task_fcn, action_name):
Applies the `task_fcn` to the arguments defined in `entry_id` InstructorTask.
......@@ -243,9 +286,7 @@ def perform_module_state_update(update_fcn, filter_fcn, _entry_id, course_id, ta
result object.
# get start time for task:
start_time = time()
usage_key = course_id.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(task_input.get('problem_url'))
student_identifier = task_input.get('student')
......@@ -272,30 +313,11 @@ def perform_module_state_update(update_fcn, filter_fcn, _entry_id, course_id, ta
if filter_fcn is not None:
modules_to_update = filter_fcn(modules_to_update)
# perform the main loop
num_attempted = 0
num_succeeded = 0
num_skipped = 0
num_failed = 0
num_total = modules_to_update.count()
def get_task_progress():
"""Return a dict containing info about current task"""
current_time = time()
progress = {'action_name': action_name,
'attempted': num_attempted,
'succeeded': num_succeeded,
'skipped': num_skipped,
'failed': num_failed,
'total': num_total,
'duration_ms': int((current_time - start_time) * 1000),
return progress
task_progress = get_task_progress()
_get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=task_progress)
task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, modules_to_update.count(), start_time)
for module_to_update in modules_to_update:
num_attempted += 1
task_progress.attempted += 1
# There is no try here: if there's an error, we let it throw, and the task will
# be marked as FAILED, with a stack trace.
with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.time.step', tags=[u'action:{name}'.format(name=action_name)]):
......@@ -303,19 +325,15 @@ def perform_module_state_update(update_fcn, filter_fcn, _entry_id, course_id, ta
if update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED:
# If the update_fcn returns true, then it performed some kind of work.
# Logging of failures is left to the update_fcn itself.
num_succeeded += 1
task_progress.succeeded += 1
elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_FAILED:
num_failed += 1
task_progress.failed += 1
elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SKIPPED:
num_skipped += 1
task_progress.skipped += 1
raise UpdateProblemModuleStateError("Unexpected update_status returned: {}".format(update_status))
# update task status:
task_progress = get_task_progress()
_get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=task_progress)
return task_progress
return task_progress.update_task_state()
def _get_task_id_from_xmodule_args(xmodule_instance_args):
......@@ -518,45 +536,26 @@ def upload_grades_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input,
make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
do here.
start_time =
start_time = time()
start_date =
status_interval = 100
enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
num_total = enrolled_students.count()
num_attempted = 0
num_succeeded = 0
num_failed = 0
curr_step = "Calculating Grades"
def update_task_progress():
"""Return a dict containing info about current task"""
current_time =
progress = {
'action_name': action_name,
'attempted': num_attempted,
'succeeded': num_succeeded,
'failed': num_failed,
'total': num_total,
'duration_ms': int((current_time - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000),
'step': curr_step,
_get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=progress)
return progress
task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, enrolled_students.count(), start_time)
# Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
header = None
rows = []
err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
current_step = {'step': 'Calculating Grades'}
for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students):
# Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
if num_attempted % status_interval == 0:
num_attempted += 1
if task_progress.attempted % status_interval == 0:
task_progress.attempted += 1
if gradeset:
# We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
num_succeeded += 1
task_progress.succeeded += 1
if not header:
# Encode the header row in utf-8 encoding in case there are unicode characters
header = [section['label'].encode('utf-8') for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']]
......@@ -578,37 +577,50 @@ def upload_grades_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input,
rows.append([,, student.username, gradeset['percent']] + row_percents)
# An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
num_failed += 1
task_progress.failed += 1
err_rows.append([, student.username, err_msg])
# By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
curr_step = "Uploading CSVs"
current_step = {'step': 'Uploading CSVs'}
# Perform the actual upload
upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'grade_report', course_id, start_time)
upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'grade_report', course_id, start_date)
# If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
if len(err_rows) > 1:
upload_csv_to_report_store(err_rows, 'grade_report_err', course_id, start_time)
upload_csv_to_report_store(err_rows, 'grade_report_err', course_id, start_date)
# One last update before we close out...
return update_task_progress()
return task_progress.update_task_state(extra_meta=current_step)
def upload_students_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, task_input, _action_name):
def upload_students_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, task_input, action_name):
For a given `course_id`, generate a CSV file containing profile
information for all students that are enrolled, and store using a
start_time = time()
start_date =
task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, CourseEnrollment.num_enrolled_in(course_id), start_time)
current_step = {'step': 'Calculating Profile Info'}
# compute the student features table and format it
query_features = task_input.get('features')
student_data = enrolled_students_features(course_id, query_features)
header, rows = format_dictlist(student_data, query_features)
task_progress.attempted = task_progress.succeeded = len(rows)
task_progress.skipped = - task_progress.attempted
rows.insert(0, header)
current_step = {'step': 'Uploading CSV'}
# Perform the upload
upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'student_profile_info', course_id,
upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'student_profile_info', course_id, start_date)
return task_progress.update_task_state(extra_meta=current_step)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory, UserFactory
from instructor_task.models import ReportStore
from instructor_task.tasks_helper import upload_grades_csv, upload_students_csv, UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
from instructor_task.tasks_helper import upload_grades_csv, upload_students_csv
class TestReport(ModuleStoreTestCase):
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class TestReport(ModuleStoreTestCase):
def create_student(self, username, email):
student = UserFactory.create(username=username, email=email)
return student
......@@ -56,8 +57,25 @@ class TestInstructorGradeReport(TestReport):
with patch('instructor_task.tasks_helper._get_current_task') as mock_current_task:
mock_current_task.return_value = self.current_task
result = upload_grades_csv(None, None,, None, 'graded')
#This assertion simply confirms that the generation completed with no errors
self.assertEquals(result['succeeded'], result['attempted'])
num_students = len(emails)
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': num_students, 'succeeded': num_students, 'failed': 0}, result)
def test_grading_failure(self, mock_iterate_grades_for, _mock_current_task):
Test that any grading errors are properly reported in the
progress dict and uploaded to the report store.
# mock an error response from `iterate_grades_for`
mock_iterate_grades_for.return_value = [
(self.create_student('username', ''), {}, 'Cannot grade student')
result = upload_grades_csv(None, None,, None, 'graded')
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': 1, 'succeeded': 0, 'failed': 1}, result)
report_store = ReportStore.from_config()
self.assertTrue(any('grade_report_err' in item[0] for item in report_store.links_for(
......@@ -66,6 +84,7 @@ class TestStudentReport(TestReport):
Tests that CSV student profile report generation works.
def test_success(self):
self.create_student('student', '')
task_input = {'features': []}
with patch('instructor_task.tasks_helper._get_current_task'):
result = upload_students_csv(None, None,, task_input, 'calculated')
......@@ -73,7 +92,7 @@ class TestStudentReport(TestReport):
links = report_store.links_for(
self.assertEquals(len(links), 1)
self.assertEquals(result, UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED)
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': 1, 'succeeded': 1, 'failed': 0}, result)[u'student', u'student\xec'])
def test_unicode_usernames(self, students):
......@@ -97,4 +116,5 @@ class TestStudentReport(TestReport):
mock_current_task.return_value = self.current_task
result = upload_students_csv(None, None,, task_input, 'calculated')
#This assertion simply confirms that the generation completed with no errors
self.assertEquals(result, UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED)
num_students = len(students)
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': num_students, 'succeeded': num_students, 'failed': 0}, result)
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