Commit 36352fa5 by Greg Price

Merge pull request #4383 from mlkwaqas/waqas/for156-anonymous-posts-labels-user-roles

Fix anonymous posts appear are labeled with the logged in user's role
parents 0a73d403 f1df9a10
......@@ -2,6 +2,22 @@ describe 'All Content', ->
beforeEach ->
describe 'Staff and TA Content', ->
beforeEach ->
DiscussionUtil.loadRoles({"Moderator": [567], "Administrator": [567], "Community TA": [567]})
it 'anonymous thread should not include login role label', ->
anon_content = new Content
expect(anon_content.get 'staff_authored').toBe false
expect(anon_content.get 'community_ta_authored').toBe false
it 'general thread should include login role label', ->
anon_content = new Content { user_id: '567' }
expect(anon_content.get 'staff_authored').toBe true
expect(anon_content.get 'community_ta_authored').toBe true
describe 'Content', ->
beforeEach ->
@content = new Content {
......@@ -54,8 +54,12 @@ if Backbone?
initialize: ->
Content.addContent @id, @
userId = @get('user_id')
@set('staff_authored', DiscussionUtil.isStaff(userId))
@set('community_ta_authored', DiscussionUtil.isTA(userId))
if userId?
@set('staff_authored', DiscussionUtil.isStaff(userId))
@set('community_ta_authored', DiscussionUtil.isTA(userId))
@set('staff_authored', false)
@set('community_ta_authored', false)
if Content.getInfo(@id)
@set 'user_url', DiscussionUtil.urlFor('user_profile', userId)
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