Commit 3613da88 by David Ormsbee

Merge pull request #838 from MITx/feature/bridger/course_grading

Added starting_index conf to AssignmentFormatGrader.
parents 20a9d472 c72d1a38
import abc
import inspect
import json
import logging
import random
......@@ -103,6 +104,15 @@ def aggregate_scores(scores, section_name="summary"):
return all_total, graded_total
def invalid_args(func, argdict):
Given a function and a dictionary of arguments, returns a set of arguments
from argdict that aren't accepted by func
args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
if keywords: return set() # All accepted
return set(argdict) - set(args)
def grader_from_conf(conf):
This creates a CourseGrader from a configuration (such as in
......@@ -122,14 +132,21 @@ def grader_from_conf(conf):
if 'min_count' in subgraderconf:
#This is an AssignmentFormatGrader
subgrader = AssignmentFormatGrader(**subgraderconf)
subgraders.append((subgrader, subgrader.category, weight))
subgrader_class = AssignmentFormatGrader
elif 'name' in subgraderconf:
#This is an SingleSectionGrader
subgrader = SingleSectionGrader(**subgraderconf)
subgraders.append((subgrader, subgrader.category, weight))
subgrader_class = SingleSectionGrader
raise ValueError("Configuration has no appropriate grader class.")
bad_args = invalid_args(subgrader_class.__init__, subgraderconf)
if len(bad_args) > 0:
log.warning("Invalid arguments for a subgrader: %s", bad_args)
for key in bad_args:
del subgraderconf[key]
subgrader = subgrader_class(**subgraderconf)
subgraders.append((subgrader, subgrader.category, weight))
except (TypeError, ValueError) as error:
# Add info and re-raise
......@@ -294,9 +311,12 @@ class AssignmentFormatGrader(CourseGrader):
short_label is similar to section_type, but shorter. For example, for Homework it would be
starting_index is the first number that will appear. For example, starting_index=3 and
min_count = 2 would produce the labels "Assignment 3", "Assignment 4"
def __init__(self, type, min_count, drop_count, category=None, section_type=None, short_label=None, show_only_average=False):
def __init__(self, type, min_count, drop_count, category=None, section_type=None, short_label=None, show_only_average=False, starting_index=1):
self.type = type
self.min_count = min_count
self.drop_count = drop_count
......@@ -304,6 +324,7 @@ class AssignmentFormatGrader(CourseGrader):
self.section_type = section_type or self.type
self.short_label = short_label or self.type
self.show_only_average = show_only_average
self.starting_index = starting_index
def grade(self, grade_sheet, generate_random_scores=False):
def totalWithDrops(breakdown, drop_count):
......@@ -339,7 +360,7 @@ class AssignmentFormatGrader(CourseGrader):
section_name = scores[i].section
percentage = earned / float(possible)
summary = "{section_type} {index} - {name} - {percent:.0%} ({earned:.3n}/{possible:.3n})".format(index=i + 1,
summary = "{section_type} {index} - {name} - {percent:.0%} ({earned:.3n}/{possible:.3n})".format(index=i + self.starting_index,
......@@ -347,9 +368,9 @@ class AssignmentFormatGrader(CourseGrader):
percentage = 0
summary = "{section_type} {index} Unreleased - 0% (?/?)".format(index=i + 1, section_type=self.section_type)
summary = "{section_type} {index} Unreleased - 0% (?/?)".format(index=i + self.starting_index, section_type=self.section_type)
short_label = "{short_label} {index:02d}".format(index=i + 1, short_label=self.short_label)
short_label = "{short_label} {index:02d}".format(index=i + self.starting_index, short_label=self.short_label)
breakdown.append({'percent': percentage, 'label': short_label, 'detail': summary, 'category': self.category})
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