Commit 35e80a3a by cahrens

Throw 400 in patch if read-only fields specified.

parent 023e6ec8
......@@ -93,13 +93,34 @@ class TestAccountAPI(APITestCase):
def test_patch_account(self, api_client, user):
client = self.login_client(api_client, user)
response = client.patch(self.accounts_base_uri, data={"usernamae": "willbeignored", "gender": "f"})
response = client.patch(self.accounts_base_uri, data={"gender": "f"})
self.assert_status_code(200, response)
data =
# Note that username is read-only, so passing it in patch is ignored. We want to change this behavior so it throws an exception.
self.assertEqual(self.user.username, data["username"])
self.assertEqual("f", data["gender"])
("client", "user"),
("staff_client", "staff_user"),
def test_patch_account_noneditable(self, api_client, user):
client = self.login_client(api_client, user)
for field_name in ["username", "email", "date_joined", "name"]:
response = client.patch(self.accounts_base_uri, data={field_name: "willbeignored", "gender": "f"})
self.assert_status_code(400, response)
data =
self.assertEqual("The following fields are not editable: " + field_name, data["message"])
# Make sure that gender did not change.
response = client.get(self.accounts_base_uri)
# Test error message with multiple read-only items
response = client.patch(self.accounts_base_uri, data={"username": "willbeignored", "email": "xx"})
self.assert_status_code(400, response)
self.assertEqual("The following fields are not editable: username, email",["message"])
def assert_status_code(self, expected_status_code, response):
"""Assert that the given response has the expected status code"""
self.assertEqual(expected_status_code, response.status_code)
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from openedx.core.lib.api.permissions import IsUserInUrlOrStaff
from rest_framework.authentication import OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthentication
from rest_framework import permissions
from rest_framework import status
class AccountView(APIView):
......@@ -78,11 +79,21 @@ class AccountView(APIView):
existing_user, existing_user_profile = self._get_user_and_profile(username)
user_serializer = AccountUserSerializer(existing_user, data=request.DATA)
# Check for fields that are not editable. Marking them read-only causes them to be ignored, but we wish to 400.
update = request.DATA
read_only_fields = set(update.keys()).intersection(
AccountUserSerializer.Meta.read_only_fields + AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.Meta.read_only_fields
if read_only_fields:
response_data = {}
response_data['message'] = "The following fields are not editable: " + ", ".join(str(e) for e in read_only_fields)
return Response(response_data, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
user_serializer = AccountUserSerializer(existing_user, data=update)
legacy_profile_serializer = AccountLegacyProfileSerializer(existing_user_profile, data=request.DATA)
legacy_profile_serializer = AccountLegacyProfileSerializer(existing_user_profile, data=update)
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