Commit 35e353e0 by Don Mitchell

Oops, xxp was going to (x) xp :-( now ( ) xxp :-)

parent 603c6ce2
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ describe 'MarkdownEditingDescriptor', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice('a\nx b\nc\nx \nd\n x e')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('( ) a\n(x) b\n( ) c\n( ) x \n( ) d\n(x) e\n')
it 'recognizes x as a selection if it is first non whitespace and has whitespace with other non-whitespace', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice(' x correct\n x \nex post facto\nb x c\nx c')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('(x) correct\n( ) x \n( ) ex post facto\n( ) b x c\n(x) c\n')
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice(' x correct\n x \nex post facto\nb x c\nx c\nxxp')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('(x) correct\n( ) x \n( ) ex post facto\n( ) b x c\n(x) c\n( ) xxp\n')
it 'removes multiple newlines but not last one', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice('a\nx b\n\n\nc\n')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('( ) a\n(x) b\n( ) c\n')
......@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
for line in lines
revisedLines += choiceStart
# a stand alone x before other text implies that this option is "correct"
if /^\s*x\s*(\S)/i.test(line)
if /^\s*x\s+(\S)/i.test(line)
# Remove the x and any initial whitespace as long as there's more text on the line
line = line.replace(/^\s*x\s*(\S)/i, '$1')
line = line.replace(/^\s*x\s+(\S)/i, '$1')
revisedLines += 'x'
revisedLines += ' '
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