Commit 351e491c by Ben McMorran Committed by Daniel Friedman

Add generic paging framework

  - Daniel Friedman
  - Ben McMorran
  - Peter Fogg

parent 65a36a64
......@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ define([
......@@ -284,4 +285,3 @@ define([
# isolation issues with Squire.js
# "coffee/spec/views/assets_spec"
......@@ -33,6 +33,44 @@ define(["backbone.paginator", "js/models/asset"], function(BackbonePaginator, As
this.currentPage = currentPage;
this.start = start;
return response.assets;
setPage: function (page) {
var oldPage = this.currentPage,
self = this;
this.goTo(page - 1, {
reset: true,
success: function () {
error: function () {
self.currentPage = oldPage;
nextPage: function () {
if (this.currentPage < this.totalPages - 1) {
this.setPage(this.getPage() + 1);
previousPage: function () {
if (this.currentPage > 0) {
this.setPage(this.getPage() - 1);
getPage: function () {
return this.currentPage + 1;
hasPreviousPage: function () {
return this.currentPage > 0;
hasNextPage: function () {
return this.currentPage < this.totalPages - 1;
return AssetCollection;
define([ "jquery", "common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers", "URI", "js/views/asset", "js/views/assets",
"js/models/asset", "js/collections/asset", "js/spec_helpers/view_helpers"],
function ($, AjaxHelpers, URI, AssetView, AssetsView, AssetModel, AssetCollection, ViewHelpers) {
define([ "jquery", "common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers", "URI", "js/views/assets",
"js/collections/asset", "js/spec_helpers/view_helpers"],
function ($, AjaxHelpers, URI, AssetsView, AssetCollection, ViewHelpers) {
describe("Assets", function() {
var assetsView, mockEmptyAssetsResponse, mockAssetUploadResponse, mockFileUpload,
assetLibraryTpl, assetTpl, pagingFooterTpl, pagingHeaderTpl, uploadModalTpl;
assetLibraryTpl, assetTpl, uploadModalTpl;
assetLibraryTpl = readFixtures('asset-library.underscore');
assetTpl = readFixtures('asset.underscore');
......@@ -357,6 +357,96 @@ define([ "jquery", "common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers", "URI", "js/views/asset
$(".upload-modal .file-chooser").fileupload('add', mockFileUpload);
describe('Paging footer', function () {
var firstPageAssets = {
sort: "uploadDate",
end: 1,
assets: [
"display_name": "test.jpg",
"url": "/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.jpg",
"date_added": "Nov 07, 2014 at 17:47 UTC",
"id": "/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.jpg",
"portable_url": "/static/test.jpg",
"thumbnail": "/c4x/A/CS102/thumbnail/test.jpg",
"locked": false,
"external_url": "localhost:8000/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.jpg"
"display_name": "test.pdf",
"url": "/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.pdf",
"date_added": "Oct 20, 2014 at 11:00 UTC",
"id": "/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.pdf",
"portable_url": "/static/test.pdf",
"thumbnail": null,
"locked": false,
"external_url": "localhost:8000/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.pdf"
pageSize: 2,
totalCount: 3,
start: 0,
page: 0
}, secondPageAssets = {
sort: "uploadDate",
end: 2,
assets: [
"display_name": "test.odt",
"url": "/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.odt",
"date_added": "Oct 20, 2014 at 11:00 UTC",
"id": "/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.odt",
"portable_url": "/static/test.odt",
"thumbnail": null,
"locked": false,
"external_url": "localhost:8000/c4x/A/CS102/asset/test.odt"
pageSize: 2,
totalCount: 3,
start: 2,
page: 1
it('can move forward a page using the next page button', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, firstPageAssets);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, secondPageAssets);
it('can move back a page using the previous page button', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, secondPageAssets);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, firstPageAssets);
it('can set the current page using the page number input', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, firstPageAssets);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, secondPageAssets);
define(["jquery", "underscore", "common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers", "URI", "js/models/xblock_info",
"js/views/paged_container", "common/js/components/views/paging_header",
"js/views/paged_container", "js/views/paging_header",
"common/js/components/views/paging_footer", "js/views/xblock"],
function ($, _, AjaxHelpers, URI, XBlockInfo, PagedContainer, PagingHeader, PagingFooter, XBlockView) {
define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/baseview", "js/models/asset", "common/js/components/views/paging",
"js/views/asset", "common/js/components/views/paging_header", "common/js/components/views/paging_footer",
define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/baseview", "js/models/asset", "js/views/paging",
"js/views/asset", "js/views/paging_header", "common/js/components/views/paging_footer",
"js/utils/modal", "js/views/utils/view_utils", "js/views/feedback_notification",
"jquery.fileupload-process", "jquery.fileupload-validate"],
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/baseview", "js/models/asset
tableBody = this.$('#asset-table-body');
this.tableBody = tableBody;
this.pagingHeader = new PagingHeader({view: this, el: $('#asset-paging-header')});
this.pagingFooter = new PagingFooter({view: this, el: $('#asset-paging-footer')});
this.pagingFooter = new PagingFooter({collection: this.collection, el: $('#asset-paging-footer')});
define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/utils/view_utils", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettext",
"js/views/feedback_notification", "common/js/components/views/paging_header",
"common/js/components/views/paging_footer", "common/js/components/views/paging_mixin"],
function ($, _, ViewUtils, ContainerView, ModuleUtils, gettext, NotificationView, PagingHeader, PagingFooter, PagingMixin) {
var PagedContainerView = ContainerView.extend(PagingMixin).extend({
"js/views/feedback_notification", "js/views/paging_header", "common/js/components/views/paging_footer"],
function ($, _, ViewUtils, ContainerView, ModuleUtils, gettext, NotificationView, PagingHeader, PagingFooter) {
var PagedContainerView = ContainerView.extend({
initialize: function(options){
var self = this;;
......@@ -27,7 +26,33 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/utils/view_utils", "js/views/container
// of paginator, on the current page.
size: function() { return self.collection._size; },
// Toggles the functionality for showing and hiding child previews.
showChildrenPreviews: true
showChildrenPreviews: true,
// PagingFooter expects to be able to control paging through the collection instead of the view,
// so we just make these functions act as pass-throughs
setPage: function (page) {
self.setPage(page - 1);
nextPage: function () {
previousPage: function() {
getPage: function () {
return self.collection.currentPage + 1;
hasPreviousPage: function () {
return self.collection.currentPage > 0;
hasNextPage: function () {
return self.collection.currentPage < self.collection.totalPages - 1;
......@@ -87,6 +112,23 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/utils/view_utils", "js/views/container
nextPage: function() {
var collection = this.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage,
lastPage = collection.totalPages - 1;
if (currentPage < lastPage) {
this.setPage(currentPage + 1);
previousPage: function() {
var collection = this.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage;
if (currentPage > 0) {
this.setPage(currentPage - 1);
processPaging: function(options){
// We have the Django template sneak us the pagination information,
// and we load it from a div here.
......@@ -119,7 +161,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/utils/view_utils", "js/views/container
el: this.$el.find('.container-paging-header')
this.pagingFooter = new PagingFooter({
view: this,
collection: this.collection,
el: this.$el.find('.container-paging-footer')
define(["underscore", "backbone", "gettext", "text!templates/paging-header.underscore"],
function(_, Backbone, gettext, paging_header_template) {
var PagingHeader = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
"click .next-page-link": "nextPage",
"click .previous-page-link": "previousPage"
initialize: function(options) {
var view = options.view,
collection = view.collection;
this.view = view;
collection.bind('add', _.bind(this.render, this));
collection.bind('remove', _.bind(this.render, this));
collection.bind('reset', _.bind(this.render, this));
render: function() {
var view = this.view,
collection = view.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage,
lastPage = collection.totalPages - 1,
messageHtml = this.messageHtml();
this.$el.html(_.template(paging_header_template, {
messageHtml: messageHtml
this.$(".previous-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", currentPage === 0).attr('aria-disabled', currentPage === 0);
this.$(".next-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", currentPage === lastPage).attr('aria-disabled', currentPage === lastPage);
return this;
messageHtml: function() {
var message = '';
var asset_type = false;
if (this.view.collection.assetType) {
if (this.view.collection.sortDirection === 'asc') {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, filtered by Images, sorted by Date Added ascending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, filtered by %(asset_type)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s ascending');
} else {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, filtered by Images, sorted by Date Added descending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, filtered by %(asset_type)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s descending');
asset_type = this.filterNameLabel();
else {
if (this.view.collection.sortDirection === 'asc') {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, sorted by Date Added ascending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s ascending');
} else {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, sorted by Date Added descending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s descending');
return '<p>' + interpolate(message, {
current_item_range: this.currentItemRangeLabel(),
total_items_count: this.totalItemsCountLabel(),
asset_type: asset_type,
sort_name: this.sortNameLabel()
}, true) + "</p>";
currentItemRangeLabel: function() {
var view = this.view,
collection = view.collection,
start = collection.start,
count = collection.size(),
end = start + count;
return interpolate('<span class="count-current-shown">%(start)s-%(end)s</span>', {
start: Math.min(start + 1, end),
end: end
}, true);
totalItemsCountLabel: function() {
var totalItemsLabel;
// Translators: turns into "25 total" to be used in other sentences, e.g. "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total".
totalItemsLabel = interpolate(gettext('%(total_items)s total'), {
total_items: this.view.collection.totalCount
}, true);
return interpolate('<span class="count-total">%(total_items_label)s</span>', {
total_items_label: totalItemsLabel
}, true);
sortNameLabel: function() {
return interpolate('<span class="sort-order">%(sort_name)s</span>', {
sort_name: this.view.sortDisplayName()
}, true);
filterNameLabel: function() {
return interpolate('<span class="filter-column">%(filter_name)s</span>', {
filter_name: this.view.filterDisplayName()
}, true);
nextPage: function() {
previousPage: function() {
return PagingHeader;
}); // end define();
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ lib_paths:
- xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/jquery.immediateDescendents.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/xblock/
- xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/xblock/
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/URI.min.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.iframe-transport.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload-process.js
<div class="meta-wrap">
<div class="meta">
<%= messageHtml %>
<nav class="pagination pagination-compact top" aria-label="Compact Pagination">
<li class="nav-item previous"><a class="nav-link previous-page-link" href="#"><i class="icon fa fa-angle-left"></i> <span class="nav-label"><%- gettext("Previous") %></span></a></li>
<li class="nav-item next"><a class="nav-link next-page-link" href="#"><span class="nav-label"><%- gettext("Next") %></span> <i class="icon fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li>
* A generic paging collection for use with a ListView and PagingFooter.
* By default this collection is designed to work with Django Rest Framework APIs, but can be configured to work with
* others. There is support for ascending or descending sort on a particular field, as well as filtering on a field.
* While the backend API may use either zero or one indexed page numbers, this collection uniformly exposes a one
* indexed interface to make consumption easier for views.
* Subclasses may want to override the following properties:
* - url (string): The base url for the API endpoint.
* - isZeroIndexed (boolean): If true, API calls will use page numbers starting at zero. Defaults to false.
* - perPage (number): Count of elements to fetch for each page.
* - server_api (object): Query parameters for the API call. Subclasses may add entries as necessary. By default,
* a 'sort_order' field is included to specify the field to sort on. This field may be removed for subclasses
* that do not support sort ordering, or support it in a non-standard way. By default filterField and
* sortDirection do not affect the API calls. It is up to subclasses to add this information to the appropriate
* query string parameters in server_api.
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
define(['backbone.paginator'], function (BackbonePaginator) {
var PagingCollection = BackbonePaginator.requestPager.extend({
initialize: function () {
// These must be initialized in the constructor because otherwise all PagingCollections would point
// to the same object references for sortableFields and filterableFields.
this.sortableFields = {};
this.filterableFields = {};
isZeroIndexed: false,
perPage: 10,
sortField: '',
sortDirection: 'descending',
sortableFields: {},
filterField: '',
filterableFields: {},
paginator_core: {
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: function () { return this.url; }
paginator_ui: {
firstPage: function () { return this.isZeroIndexed ? 0 : 1; },
// Specifies the initial page during collection initialization
currentPage: function () { return this.isZeroIndexed ? 0 : 1; },
perPage: function () { return this.perPage; }
server_api: {
'page': function () { return this.currentPage; },
'page_size': function () { return this.perPage; },
'sort_order': function () { return this.sortField; }
parse: function (response) {
this.totalCount = response.count;
this.currentPage = response.current_page;
this.totalPages = response.num_pages;
this.start = response.start;
this.sortField = response.sort_order;
return response.results;
* Returns the current page number as if numbering starts on page one, regardless of the indexing of the
* underlying server API.
getPage: function () {
return this.currentPage + (this.isZeroIndexed ? 1 : 0);
* Sets the current page of the collection. Page is assumed to be one indexed, regardless of the indexing
* of the underlying server API. If there is an error fetching the page, the Backbone 'error' event is
* triggered and the page does not change. A 'page_changed' event is triggered on a successful page change.
* @param page one-indexed page to change to
setPage: function (page) {
var oldPage = this.currentPage,
self = this;
this.goTo(page - (this.isZeroIndexed ? 1 : 0), {reset: true}).then(
function () {
function () {
self.currentPage = oldPage;
* Returns true if the collection has a next page, false otherwise.
hasNextPage: function () {
return this.getPage() < this.totalPages;
* Returns true if the collection has a previous page, false otherwise.
hasPreviousPage: function () {
return this.getPage() > 1;
* Moves the collection to the next page if it exists.
nextPage: function () {
if (this.hasNextPage()) {
this.setPage(this.getPage() + 1);
* Moves the collection to the previous page if it exists.
previousPage: function () {
if (this.hasPreviousPage()) {
this.setPage(this.getPage() - 1);
* Adds the given field to the list of fields that can be sorted on.
* @param fieldName name of the field for the server API
* @param displayName name of the field to display to the user
registerSortableField: function (fieldName, displayName) {
this.addField(this.sortableFields, fieldName, displayName);
* Adds the given field to the list of fields that can be filtered on.
* @param fieldName name of the field for the server API
* @param displayName name of the field to display to the user
registerFilterableField: function (fieldName, displayName) {
this.addField(this.filterableFields, fieldName, displayName);
* For internal use only. Adds the given field to the given collection of fields.
* @param fields object of existing fields
* @param fieldName name of the field for the server API
* @param displayName name of the field to display to the user
addField: function (fields, fieldName, displayName) {
fields[fieldName] = {
displayName: displayName
* Returns the display name of the field that the collection is currently sorted on.
sortDisplayName: function () {
return this.sortableFields[this.sortField].displayName;
* Returns the display name of the field that the collection is currently filtered on.
filterDisplayName: function () {
return this.filterableFields[this.filterField].displayName;
* Sets the field to sort on. Sends a request to the server to fetch the first page of the collection with
* the new sort order. If successful, the collection resets to page one with the new data.
* @param fieldName name of the field to sort on
* @param toggleDirection if true, the sort direction is toggled if the given field was already set
setSortField: function (fieldName, toggleDirection) {
if (toggleDirection) {
if (this.sortField === fieldName) {
this.sortDirection = PagingCollection.SortDirection.flip(this.sortDirection);
} else {
this.sortDirection = PagingCollection.SortDirection.DESCENDING;
this.sortField = fieldName;
* Sets the direction of the sort. Sends a request to the server to fetch the first page of the collection
* with the new sort order. If successful, the collection resets to page one with the new data.
* @param direction either ASCENDING or DESCENDING from PagingCollection.SortDirection.
setSortDirection: function (direction) {
this.sortDirection = direction;
* Sets the field to filter on. Sends a request to the server to fetch the first page of the collection
* with the new filter options. If successful, the collection resets to page one with the new data.
* @param fieldName name of the field to filter on
setFilterField: function (fieldName) {
this.filterField = fieldName;
}, {
SortDirection: {
ASCENDING: 'ascending',
DESCENDING: 'descending',
flip: function (direction) {
return direction === this.ASCENDING ? this.DESCENDING : this.ASCENDING;
return PagingCollection;
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
* Generic view to render a collection.
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
define(['backbone', 'underscore'], function(Backbone, _) {
var ListView = Backbone.View.extend({
* Override with the view used to render models in the collection.
itemViewClass: Backbone.View,
initialize: function (options) {
this.itemViewClass = options.itemViewClass || this.itemViewClass;
// TODO: at some point we will want 'add' and 'remove'
// not to re-render the whole collection, but this is
// not currently required.
this.collection.on('add', this.render, this);
this.collection.on('remove', this.render, this);
this.collection.on('reset', this.render, this);
this.collection.on('sync', this.render, this);
this.collection.on('sort', this.render, this);
// Keep track of our children for garbage collection
this.itemViews = [];
render: function () {
// Remove old children views
_.each(this.itemViews, function (childView) {
this.itemViews = [];
// Render the collection
this.collection.each(function (model) {
var itemView = new this.itemViewClass({model: model});
}, this);
return this;
return ListView;
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
define(["underscore", "backbone", "text!common/templates/components/paging-footer.underscore"],
function(_, Backbone, paging_footer_template) {
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
define(["underscore", "gettext", "backbone", "text!common/templates/components/paging-footer.underscore"],
function(_, gettext, Backbone, paging_footer_template) {
var PagingFooter = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
"click .next-page-link": "nextPage",
"click .previous-page-link": "previousPage",
"change .page-number-input": "changePage"
var PagingFooter = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
"click .next-page-link": "nextPage",
"click .previous-page-link": "previousPage",
"change .page-number-input": "changePage"
initialize: function(options) {
var view = options.view,
collection = view.collection;
this.view = view;
collection.bind('add', _.bind(this.render, this));
collection.bind('remove', _.bind(this.render, this));
collection.bind('reset', _.bind(this.render, this));
initialize: function(options) {
this.collection = options.collection;
this.hideWhenOnePage = options.hideWhenOnePage || false;
this.collection.bind('add', _.bind(this.render, this));
this.collection.bind('remove', _.bind(this.render, this));
this.collection.bind('reset', _.bind(this.render, this));
render: function() {
var view = this.view,
collection = view.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage,
lastPage = collection.totalPages - 1;
this.$el.html(_.template(paging_footer_template, {
current_page: collection.currentPage,
total_pages: collection.totalPages
this.$(".previous-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", currentPage === 0).attr('aria-disabled', currentPage === 0);;
this.$(".next-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", currentPage === lastPage).attr('aria-disabled', currentPage === lastPage);
return this;
render: function() {
var onFirstPage = !this.collection.hasPreviousPage(),
onLastPage = !this.collection.hasNextPage();
if (this.hideWhenOnePage) {
if (this.collection.totalPages <= 1) {
} else if (this.$el.hasClass('hidden')) {
this.$el.html(_.template(paging_footer_template, {
current_page: this.collection.getPage(),
total_pages: this.collection.totalPages
this.$(".previous-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", onFirstPage).attr('aria-disabled', onFirstPage);
this.$(".next-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", onLastPage).attr('aria-disabled', onLastPage);
return this;
changePage: function() {
var view = this.view,
collection = view.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage + 1,
pageInput = this.$("#page-number-input"),
pageNumber = parseInt(pageInput.val(), 10);
if (pageNumber > collection.totalPages) {
pageNumber = false;
if (pageNumber <= 0) {
pageNumber = false;
// If we still have a page number by this point,
// and it's not the current page, load it.
if (pageNumber && pageNumber !== currentPage) {
view.setPage(pageNumber - 1);
pageInput.val(""); // Clear the value as the label will show beneath it
changePage: function() {
var collection = this.collection,
currentPage = collection.getPage(),
pageInput = this.$("#page-number-input"),
pageNumber = parseInt(pageInput.val(), 10),
validInput = true;
if (!pageNumber || pageNumber > collection.totalPages || pageNumber < 1) {
validInput = false;
// If we still have a page number by this point,
// and it's not the current page, load it.
if (validInput && pageNumber !== currentPage) {
pageInput.val(''); // Clear the value as the label will show beneath it
nextPage: function() {
nextPage: function() {
previousPage: function() {
previousPage: function() {
return PagingFooter;
}); // end define();
return PagingFooter;
}); // end define();
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
define(["underscore", "backbone", "gettext", "text!common/templates/components/paging-header.underscore"],
function(_, Backbone, gettext, paging_header_template) {
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
], function (Backbone, _, gettext, headerTemplate) {
var PagingHeader = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
"click .next-page-link": "nextPage",
"click .previous-page-link": "previousPage"
initialize: function(options) {
var view = options.view,
collection = view.collection;
this.view = view;
collection.bind('add', _.bind(this.render, this));
collection.bind('remove', _.bind(this.render, this));
collection.bind('reset', _.bind(this.render, this));
render: function() {
var view = this.view,
collection = view.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage,
lastPage = collection.totalPages - 1,
messageHtml = this.messageHtml();
this.$el.html(_.template(paging_header_template, {
messageHtml: messageHtml
this.$(".previous-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", currentPage === 0).attr('aria-disabled', currentPage === 0);
this.$(".next-page-link").toggleClass("is-disabled", currentPage === lastPage).attr('aria-disabled', currentPage === lastPage);
return this;
messageHtml: function() {
var message = '';
var asset_type = false;
if (this.view.collection.assetType) {
if (this.view.collection.sortDirection === 'asc') {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, filtered by Images, sorted by Date Added ascending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, filtered by %(asset_type)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s ascending');
} else {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, filtered by Images, sorted by Date Added descending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, filtered by %(asset_type)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s descending');
asset_type = this.filterNameLabel();
else {
if (this.view.collection.sortDirection === 'asc') {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, sorted by Date Added ascending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s ascending');
} else {
// Translators: sample result:
// "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, sorted by Date Added descending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s descending');
initialize: function (options) {
this.collections = options.collection;
this.collection.bind('add', _.bind(this.render, this));
this.collection.bind('remove', _.bind(this.render, this));
this.collection.bind('reset', _.bind(this.render, this));
render: function () {
var message,
start = this.collection.start,
end = start + this.collection.length,
num_items = this.collection.totalCount,
context = {first_index: Math.min(start + 1, end), last_index: end, num_items: num_items};
if (end <= 1) {
message = interpolate(gettext('Showing %(first_index)s out of %(num_items)s total'), context, true);
} else {
message = interpolate(
gettext('Showing %(first_index)s-%(last_index)s out of %(num_items)s total'),
context, true
return '<p>' + interpolate(message, {
current_item_range: this.currentItemRangeLabel(),
total_items_count: this.totalItemsCountLabel(),
asset_type: asset_type,
sort_name: this.sortNameLabel()
}, true) + "</p>";
currentItemRangeLabel: function() {
var view = this.view,
collection = view.collection,
start = collection.start,
count = collection.size(),
end = start + count;
return interpolate('<span class="count-current-shown">%(start)s-%(end)s</span>', {
start: Math.min(start + 1, end),
end: end
}, true);
totalItemsCountLabel: function() {
var totalItemsLabel;
// Translators: turns into "25 total" to be used in other sentences, e.g. "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total".
totalItemsLabel = interpolate(gettext('%(total_items)s total'), {
total_items: this.view.collection.totalCount
}, true);
return interpolate('<span class="count-total">%(total_items_label)s</span>', {
total_items_label: totalItemsLabel
}, true);
sortNameLabel: function() {
return interpolate('<span class="sort-order">%(sort_name)s</span>', {
sort_name: this.view.sortDisplayName()
}, true);
filterNameLabel: function() {
return interpolate('<span class="filter-column">%(filter_name)s</span>', {
filter_name: this.view.filterDisplayName()
}, true);
nextPage: function() {
previousPage: function() {
this.$el.html(_.template(headerTemplate, {message: message}));
return this;
return PagingHeader;
}); // end define();
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
function () {
var PagedMixin = {
setPage: function (page) {
var self = this,
collection = self.collection,
oldPage = collection.currentPage;
collection.goTo(page, {
reset: true,
success: function () {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
error: function (collection) {
collection.currentPage = oldPage;
nextPage: function() {
var collection = this.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage,
lastPage = collection.totalPages - 1;
if (currentPage < lastPage) {
this.setPage(currentPage + 1);
previousPage: function() {
var collection = this.collection,
currentPage = collection.currentPage;
if (currentPage > 0) {
this.setPage(currentPage - 1);
return PagedMixin;
define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'common/js/components/views/list'],
function ($, Backbone, _, ListView) {
'use strict';
describe('ListView', function () {
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: 'default name'
View = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'my-view',
template: _.template('<p>Name: "<%- name %>"</p>'),
render: function () {
return this;
Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Model
expectListNames = function (names) {
_.each(names, function (name, index) {
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="list"></div>');
listView = new ListView({
el: $('.list'),
collection: new Collection(
[{name: 'first model'}, {name: 'second model'}, {name: 'third model'}]
itemViewClass: View
it('renders itself', function () {
expectListNames(['first model', 'second model', 'third model']);
it('does not render subviews for an empty collection', function () {
it('re-renders itself when the collection changes', function () {
expectListNames(['first model', 'second model', 'third model']);
listView.collection.set([{name: 'foo'}, {name: 'bar'}, {name: 'third model'}]);
expectListNames(['foo', 'bar', 'third model']);
listView.collection.reset([{name: 'baz'}, {name: 'bar'}, {name: 'quux'}]);
expectListNames(['baz', 'bar', 'quux']);
it('re-renders itself when items are added to the collection', function () {
expectListNames(['first model', 'second model', 'third model']);
listView.collection.add({name: 'fourth model'});
expectListNames(['first model', 'second model', 'third model', 'fourth model']);
listView.collection.add({name: 'zeroth model'}, {at: 0});
expectListNames(['zeroth model', 'first model', 'second model', 'third model', 'fourth model']);
listView.collection.add({name: 'second-and-a-half model'}, {at: 3});
'zeroth model', 'first model', 'second model',
'second-and-a-half model', 'third model', 'fourth model'
it('re-renders itself when items are removed from the collection', function () {
listView.collection.reset([{name: 'one'}, {name: 'two'}, {name: 'three'}, {name: 'four'}]);
expectListNames(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']);
expectListNames(['two', 'three', 'four']);
expectListNames(['two', 'four']);
it('removes old views', function () {
define(["backbone.paginator", "backbone"], function(BackbonePaginator, Backbone) {
// This code was adapted from collections/asset.js.
var PagingCollection = BackbonePaginator.requestPager.extend({
model : Backbone.Model,
paginator_core: {
type: 'GET',
accepts: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
url: function() { return this.url; }
paginator_ui: {
firstPage: 0,
currentPage: 0,
perPage: 50
server_api: {
'page': function() { return this.currentPage; },
'page_size': function() { return this.perPage; },
'sort': function() { return this.sortField; },
'direction': function() { return this.sortDirection; },
'format': 'json'
parse: function(response) {
var totalCount = response.totalCount,
start = response.start,
currentPage =,
pageSize = response.pageSize,
totalPages = Math.ceil(totalCount / pageSize);
this.totalCount = totalCount;
this.totalPages = Math.max(totalPages, 1); // Treat an empty collection as having 1 page...
this.currentPage = currentPage;
this.start = start;
return response.items;
return PagingCollection;
], function (URI, _, AjaxHelpers, PagingFooter, PagingCollection) {
'use strict';
describe("PagingFooter", function () {
var pagingFooter,
mockPage = function (currentPage, numPages, collectionLength) {
if (_.isUndefined(collectionLength)) {
collectionLength = 1;
return {
count: null,
current_page: currentPage,
num_pages: numPages,
start: null,
results:, function() { return {}; }) // need to have non-empty collection to render
nextPageCss = '.next-page-link',
previousPageCss = '.previous-page-link',
currentPageCss = '.current-page',
totalPagesCss = '.total-pages',
pageNumberInputCss = '.page-number-input';
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="paging-footer"></div>');
pagingFooter = new PagingFooter({
el: $('.paging-footer'),
collection: new PagingCollection(mockPage(1, 2), {parse: true})
describe('when hideWhenOnePage is true', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
pagingFooter.hideWhenOnePage = true;
it('should not render itself for an empty collection', function () {
pagingFooter.collection.reset(mockPage(0, 0, 0), {parse: true});
it('should not render itself for a dataset with just one page', function () {
pagingFooter.collection.reset(mockPage(1, 1), {parse: true});
describe('when hideWhenOnepage is false', function () {
it('should render itself for an empty collection', function () {
pagingFooter.collection.reset(mockPage(0, 0, 0), {parse: true});
it('should render itself for a dataset with just one page', function () {
pagingFooter.collection.reset(mockPage(1, 1), {parse: true});
describe("Next page button", function () {
it('does not move forward if a server error occurs', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
it('can move to the next page', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, mockPage(2, 2));
it('should be enabled when there is at least one more page', function () {
// in beforeEach we're set up on page 1 out of 2
it('should be disabled on the final page', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, mockPage(2, 2));
describe("Previous page button", function () {
it('does not move back if a server error occurs', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
pagingFooter.collection.reset(mockPage(2, 2), {parse: true});
it('can go back a page', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, mockPage(2, 2));
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, mockPage(1, 2));
it('should be disabled on the first page', function () {
it('should be enabled on the second page', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, mockPage(2, 2));
describe("Current page label", function () {
it('should show 1 on the first page', function () {
it('should show 2 on the second page', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, mockPage(2, 2));
describe("Page total label", function () {
it('should show the correct value with more than one page', function () {
describe("Page input field", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
it('should initially have a blank page input', function () {
it('should handle invalid page requests', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
it('should switch pages via the input field', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, mockPage(2, 2));
it('should handle AJAX failures when switching pages via the input field', function () {
var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
], function (PagingHeader, PagingCollection) {
'use strict';
describe('PagingHeader', function () {
var pagingHeader,
newCollection = function (size, perPage) {
var pageSize = 5,
results =, function () { return {}; });
var collection = new PagingCollection(
count: results.length,
num_pages: results.length / pageSize,
current_page: 1,
start: 0,
results: _.first(results, perPage)
{parse: true}
collection.start = 0;
collection.totalCount = results.length;
return collection;
it('correctly displays which items are being viewed', function () {
pagingHeader = new PagingHeader({
collection: newCollection(20, 5)
.toContain('Showing 1-5 out of 20 total');
it('reports that all items are on the current page', function () {
pagingHeader = new PagingHeader({
collection: newCollection(5, 5)
.toContain('Showing 1-5 out of 5 total');
it('reports that the page contains a single item', function () {
pagingHeader = new PagingHeader({
collection: newCollection(1, 1)
.toContain('Showing 1 out of 1 total');
* Generally useful helper functions for writing Jasmine unit tests.
define([], function () {
'use strict';
* Runs func as a test case multiple times, using entries from data as arguments. Like Python's DDT.
* @param data An object mapping test names to arrays of function parameters. The name is passed to it() as the name
* of the test case, and the list of arguments is applied as arguments to func.
* @param func The function that actually expresses the logic of the test.
var withData = function (data, func) {
for (var name in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
it(name, function () {
func.apply(this, data[name]);
* Runs test multiple times, wrapping each call in a describe with beforeEach specified by setup and arguments and
* name coming from entries in config.
* @param config An object mapping configuration names to arrays of setup function parameters. The name is passed
* to describe as the name of the group of tests, and the list of arguments is applied as arguments to setup.
* @param setup The function to setup the given configuration before each test case. Runs in beforeEach.
* @param test The function that actually express the logic of the test. May include it() or more describe().
var withConfiguration = function (config, setup, test) {
for (var name in config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
describe(name, function () {
beforeEach(function () {
setup.apply(this, config[name]);
return {
withData: withData,
withConfiguration: withConfiguration
<nav class="pagination pagination-full bottom">
<li class="nav-item previous"><a class="nav-link previous-page-link" href="#"><i class="icon fa fa-angle-left"></i> <span class="nav-label"><%= gettext("Previous") %></span></a></li>
<li class="nav-item page">
<nav class="pagination pagination-full bottom" aria-label="Teams Pagination">
<div class="nav-item previous"><button class="nav-link previous-page-link"><i class="icon fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="nav-label"><%= gettext("Previous") %></span></button></div>
<div class="nav-item page">
<div class="pagination-form">
<label class="page-number-label" for="page-number-input"><%= gettext("Page number") %></label>
<input id="page-number-input" class="page-number-input" name="page-number" type="text" size="4" />
<input id="page-number-input" class="page-number-input" name="page-number" type="text" size="4" autocomplete="off" />
<span class="current-page"><%= current_page + 1 %></span>
<span class="page-divider">/</span>
<span class="current-page"><%= current_page %></span>
<span class="sr">&nbsp;out of&nbsp;</span>
<span class="page-divider" aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="total-pages"><%= total_pages %></span>
<li class="nav-item next"><a class="nav-link next-page-link" href="#"><span class="nav-label"><%= gettext("Next") %></span> <i class="icon fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li>
<div class="nav-item next"><button class="nav-link next-page-link"><span class="nav-label"><%= gettext("Next") %></span> <i class="icon fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button></div>
<div class="meta-wrap">
<div class="meta">
<%= messageHtml %>
<nav class="pagination pagination-compact top">
<li class="nav-item previous"><a class="nav-link previous-page-link" href="#"><i class="icon fa fa-angle-left"></i> <span class="nav-label"><%= gettext("Previous") %></span></a></li>
<li class="nav-item next"><a class="nav-link next-page-link" href="#"><span class="nav-label"><%= gettext("Next") %></span> <i class="icon fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li>
<div class="search-tools">
<span class="search-count">
<%= message %>
......@@ -155,7 +155,10 @@
// Run the common tests that use RequireJS.
}).call(this, requirejs, define);
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ define(['jquery',
'name': 'Renewable Energy',
'description': 'Explore how changes in <ⓡⓔⓝⓔⓦⓐⓑⓛⓔ> ʎƃɹǝuǝ will affect our lives.',
'team_count': 34
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ define(['jquery',
expect(view.$el.find('.card-title').text()).toContain('Renewable Energy');
expect(view.$el.find('.card-description').text()).toContain('changes in <ⓡⓔⓝⓔⓦⓐⓑⓛⓔ> ʎƃɹǝuǝ');
expect(view.$el.find('.card-meta-details').text()).toContain('34 Teams');
expect(view.$el.find('.card-meta').text()).toContain('34 Teams');
expect(view.$el.find('.action .sr').text()).toContain('View Teams in the Renewable Energy Topic');
it('navigates when action button is clicked', function () {
......@@ -41,7 +41,13 @@
description: function () { return this.model.get('description'); },
details: function () { return this.detailViews; },
actionClass: 'action-view',
actionContent: _.escape(gettext('View')) + ' <span class="icon fa-arrow-right"></span>'
actionContent: function () {
var screenReaderText = _.escape(interpolate(
gettext('View Teams in the %(topic_name)s Topic'),
{ topic_name: this.model.get('name') }, true
return '<span class="sr">' + screenReaderText + '</span><i class="icon fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
return TopicCardView;
......@@ -531,18 +531,19 @@ class TestListTopicsAPI(TeamAPITestCase):
(None, 200, ['Coal Power', 'Nuclear Power', u'sólar power', 'Wind Power']),
('name', 200, ['Coal Power', 'Nuclear Power', u'sólar power', 'Wind Power']),
('no_such_field', 400, []),
(None, 200, ['Coal Power', 'Nuclear Power', u'sólar power', 'Wind Power'], 'name'),
('name', 200, ['Coal Power', 'Nuclear Power', u'sólar power', 'Wind Power'], 'name'),
('no_such_field', 400, [], None),
def test_order_by(self, field, status, names):
def test_order_by(self, field, status, names, expected_ordering):
data = {'course_id':}
if field:
data['order_by'] = field
topics = self.get_topics_list(status, data)
if status == 200:
self.assertEqual(names, [topic['name'] for topic in topics['results']])
self.assertEqual(topics['sort_order'], expected_ordering)
def test_pagination(self):
response = self.get_topics_list(data={
......@@ -556,6 +557,10 @@ class TestListTopicsAPI(TeamAPITestCase):
def test_default_ordering(self):
response = self.get_topics_list(data={'course_id':})
self.assertEqual(response['sort_order'], 'name')
class TestDetailTopicAPI(TeamAPITestCase):
"""HTTP endpoints for the Teams API."""
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from import get_course_with_access, has_access
from django.http import Http404
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.views.generic.base import View
from rest_framework.generics import GenericAPIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.reverse import reverse
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.authentication import (
......@@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ from .serializers import CourseTeamSerializer, CourseTeamCreationSerializer, Top
from .errors import AlreadyOnTeamInCourse, NotEnrolledInCourseForTeam
# Constants
class TeamsDashboardView(View):
View methods related to the teams dashboard.
......@@ -67,7 +72,13 @@ class TeamsDashboardView(View):
not has_access(request.user, 'staff', course,
raise Http404
context = {"course": course}
sort_order = 'name'
topics = get_ordered_topics(course, sort_order)
topics_page = Paginator(topics, TOPICS_PER_PAGE).page(1)
topics_serializer = PaginationSerializer(instance=topics_page, context={'sort_order': sort_order})
context = {
"course": course, "topics":, "topics_url": reverse('topics_list', request=request)
return render_to_response("teams/teams.html", context)
......@@ -479,7 +490,7 @@ class TopicListView(GenericAPIView):
authentication_classes = (OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthentication)
permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated,)
paginate_by = 10
paginate_by = TOPICS_PER_PAGE
paginate_by_param = 'page_size'
pagination_serializer_class = PaginationSerializer
serializer_class = TopicSerializer
......@@ -510,11 +521,9 @@ class TopicListView(GenericAPIView):
if not has_team_api_access(request.user, course_id):
return Response(status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
topics = course_module.teams_topics
ordering = request.QUERY_PARAMS.get('order_by', 'name')
if ordering == 'name':
topics = sorted(topics, key=lambda t: t['name'].lower())
topics = get_ordered_topics(course_module, ordering)
return Response({
'developer_message': "unsupported order_by value {}".format(ordering),
......@@ -523,9 +532,23 @@ class TopicListView(GenericAPIView):
page = self.paginate_queryset(topics)
serializer = self.get_pagination_serializer(page)
serializer.context = {'sort_order': ordering}
return Response( # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
def get_ordered_topics(course_module, ordering):
"""Return a sorted list of team topics.
course_module (xmodule): the course which owns the team topics
ordering (str): the key belonging to topic dicts by which we sort
list: a list of sorted team topics
return sorted(course_module.teams_topics, key=lambda t: t[ordering].lower())
class TopicDetailView(APIView):
**Use Cases**
......@@ -1634,7 +1634,6 @@ STATICFILES_IGNORE_PATTERNS = (
# Symlinks used by js-test-tool
PIPELINE_UGLIFYJS_BINARY = 'node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs'
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* "square_card" or "list_card". Defaults to "square_card".
* - action (function): Action to take when the action button is clicked. Defaults to a no-op.
* - cardClass (string or function): Class name for this card's DOM element. Defaults to the empty string.
* - pennant (string or function): Text of the card's pennant. No pennant is displayed if this value is falsy.
* - title (string or function): Title of the card. Defaults to the empty string.
* - description (string or function): Description of the card. Defaults to the empty string.
* - details (array or function): Array of child views to be rendered as details of this card. The class "meta-detail"
......@@ -17,10 +18,10 @@
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
function ($, Backbone, squareCardTemplate, listCardTemplate) {
function ($, _, Backbone, cardTemplate) {
var CardView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click .action' : 'action'
......@@ -40,13 +41,11 @@
initialize: function () {
this.template = this.switchOnConfiguration(
template: _.template(cardTemplate),
switchOnConfiguration: function (square_result, list_result) {
return this.callIfFunction(this.configuration) === 'square_card' ?
square_result : list_result;
......@@ -61,20 +60,30 @@
className: function () {
return 'card ' +
this.switchOnConfiguration('square-card', 'list-card') +
' ' + this.callIfFunction(this.cardClass);
var result = 'card ' +
this.switchOnConfiguration('square-card', 'list-card') + ' ' +
if (this.callIfFunction(this.pennant)) {
result += ' has-pennant';
return result;
render: function () {
var maxLength = 72,
description = this.callIfFunction(this.description);
if (description.length > maxLength) {
description = description.substring(0, maxLength).trim() + '...'
pennant: this.callIfFunction(this.pennant),
title: this.callIfFunction(this.title),
description: this.callIfFunction(this.description),
description: description,
action_class: this.callIfFunction(this.actionClass),
action_url: this.callIfFunction(this.actionUrl),
action_content: this.callIfFunction(this.actionContent)
var detailsEl = this.$el.find('.card-meta-details');
var detailsEl = this.$el.find('.card-meta');
_.each(this.callIfFunction(this.details), function (detail) {
// Call setElement to rebind event handlers
......@@ -86,6 +95,7 @@
action: function () { },
cardClass: '',
pennant: '',
title: '',
description: '',
details: [],
......@@ -12,13 +12,20 @@
it('can render itself as a square card', function () {
var view = new CardView({ configuration: 'square_card' });
expect(view.$el.find('.card-meta-wrapper .action').length).toBe(1);
expect(view.$el.find('.wrapper-card-meta .action').length).toBe(1);
it('can render itself as a list card', function () {
var view = new CardView({ configuration: 'list_card' });
expect(view.$el.find('.card-core-wrapper .action').length).toBe(1);
expect(view.$el.find('.wrapper-card-meta .action').length).toBe(1);
it('renders a pennant only if the pennant value is truthy', function () {
var view = new (CardView.extend({ pennant: '' }))();
view = new (CardView.extend({ pennant: 'Test Pennant' }))();
it('can render child views', function () {
......@@ -38,6 +45,7 @@
var verifyContent = function (view) {
expect(view.$el.find('.card-title').text()).toContain('A test title');
expect(view.$el.find('.card-description').text()).toContain('A test description');
......@@ -45,9 +53,10 @@
expect(view.$el.find('.action').text()).toContain('A test action');
it('can have strings for cardClass, title, description, and action', function () {
it('can have strings for cardClass, pennant, title, description, and action', function () {
var view = new (CardView.extend({
cardClass: 'test-card',
pennant: 'Pennant',
title: 'A test title',
description: 'A test description',
actionClass: 'test-action',
......@@ -57,9 +66,10 @@
it('can have functions for cardClass, title, description, and action', function () {
it('can have functions for cardClass, pennant, title, description, and action', function () {
var view = new (CardView.extend({
cardClass: function () { return 'test-card'; },
pennant: function () { return 'Pennant'; },
title: function () { return 'A test title'; },
description: function () { return 'A test description'; },
actionClass: function () { return 'test-action'; },
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
'backbone': 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone-min',
'backbone.associations': 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone-associations-min',
'backbone.paginator': 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min',
'URI': 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/URI.min',
"backbone-super": "js/vendor/backbone-super",
'tinymce': 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min',
'jquery.tinymce': 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce',
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ lib_paths:
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/underscore-min.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/underscore.string.min.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone-min.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/edxnotes/annotator-full.min.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/test/i18n.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/date.js
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
"text": 'js/vendor/requirejs/text',
"backbone": "js/vendor/backbone-min",
"backbone-super": "js/vendor/backbone-super",
"backbone.paginator": "js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min",
"underscore.string": "js/vendor/underscore.string.min",
// Files needed by OVA
"annotator": "js/vendor/ova/annotator-full",
......@@ -89,6 +90,10 @@
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
"backbone.paginator": {
deps: ["backbone"],
exports: "Backbone.Paginator"
"backbone-super": {
deps: ["backbone"]
<div class="card-core-wrapper">
<div class="wrapper-card-core">
<div class="card-core">
<% if (pennant) { %>
<small class="card-type"><%- pennant %></small>
<% } %>
<h3 class="card-title"><%- title %></h3>
<p class="card-description"><%- description %></p>
<div class="wrapper-card-meta has-actions">
<div class="card-meta">
<div class="card-actions">
<a class="action <%= action_class %>" href="<%= action_url %>"><%= action_content %></a>
<div class="card-meta-wrapper">
<div class="card-meta-details">
<div class="card-core-wrapper">
<div class="card-core">
<h3 class="card-title"><%- title %></h3>
<p class="card-description"><%- description %></p>
<div class="card-meta-wrapper has-actions">
<div class="card-meta-details">
<div class="card-actions">
<a class="action <%= action_class %>" href="<%= action_url %>"><%= action_content %></a>
......@@ -3,9 +3,30 @@ from rest_framework import pagination, serializers
class PaginationSerializer(pagination.PaginationSerializer):
Custom PaginationSerializer to include num_pages field
Custom PaginationSerializer for openedx.
Adds the following fields:
- num_pages: total number of pages
- current_page: the current page being returned
- start: the index of the first page item within the overall collection
start_page = 1 # django objects have 1-based indexes
num_pages = serializers.Field(source='paginator.num_pages')
current_page = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_current_page')
start = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_start')
sort_order = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_sort_order')
def get_current_page(self, page):
"""Get the current page"""
return page.number
def get_start(self, page):
"""Get the index of the first page item within the overall collection"""
return (self.get_current_page(page) - self.start_page) * page.paginator.per_page
def get_sort_order(self, page): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Get the order by which this collection was sorted"""
return self.context.get('sort_order')
class CollapsedReferenceSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
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