Commit 34ef0029 by Rocky Duan

add class for selected sort option

parent 23f06e7b
......@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
<%def name="link_to_sort(key, title)">
% if key == sort_key:
% if sort_order.lower() == 'desc':
${_link_to_sort(key, 'asc', title + ' [v]')}
${_link_to_sort(key, 'asc', title + ' [v]', 'sorted')}
% else:
${_link_to_sort(key, 'desc', title + ' [^]')}
${_link_to_sort(key, 'desc', title + ' [^]', 'sorted')}
% endif
% else:
${_link_to_sort(key, 'desc', title)}
% endif
<%def name="_link_to_sort(key, order, title)">
<%def name="_link_to_sort(key, order, title, cls='')">
def merge(dic1, dic2):
return dict(dic1.items() + dic2.items())
......@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
return base_url + '?' + urlencode(merge(query_params, {'page': 1, 'sort_key': key, 'sort_order': order}))
% if discussion_type == 'inline':
<a class="discussion-sort-link discussion-inline-sort-link" href="javascript:void(0)" sort-url="${url_for_sort(key, order)}">${title}</a>
<a class="discussion-sort-link discussion-inline-sort-link ${cls}" href="javascript:void(0)" sort-url="${url_for_sort(key, order)}">${title}</a>
% else:
<a class="discussion-sort-link" href="${url_for_sort(key, order)}">${title}</a>
<a class="discussion-sort-link ${cls}" href="${url_for_sort(key, order)}">${title}</a>
% endif
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