Commit 34ac9db3 by David Baumgold

Merge pull request #10021 from mitocw/enhancement/aq/remove_gradebook_draging

Add scrolling with dragging and added tool tip to student record.
parents 06129ada 8b6c3757
......@@ -2,106 +2,129 @@
var Gradebook = function($element) {
var _this = this;
var $element = $element;
var $body = $('body');
var $grades = $element.find('.grades');
var $studentTable = $element.find('.student-table');
var $gradeTable = $element.find('.grade-table');
var $search = $element.find('.student-search-field');
var $leftShadow = $('<div class="left-shadow"></div>');
var $rightShadow = $('<div class="right-shadow"></div>');
var tableHeight = $gradeTable.height();
var maxScroll = $gradeTable.width() - $grades.width();
var mouseOrigin;
var tableOrigin;
var startDrag = function(e) {
mouseOrigin = e.pageX;
tableOrigin = $gradeTable.position().left;
$body.css('-webkit-user-select', 'none');
$body.bind('mousemove', moveDrag);
$body.bind('mouseup', stopDrag);
var moveDrag = function(e) {
var offset = e.pageX - mouseOrigin;
var targetLeft = clamp(tableOrigin + offset, -maxScroll, 0);
var stopDrag = function(e) {
$body.css('-webkit-user-select', 'auto');
$body.unbind('mousemove', moveDrag);
$body.unbind('mouseup', stopDrag);
var setShadows = function(left) {
var padding = 30;
var leftPercent = clamp(-left / padding, 0, 1);
$leftShadow.css('opacity', leftPercent);
var rightPercent = clamp((maxScroll + left) / padding, 0, 1);
$rightShadow.css('opacity', rightPercent);
var clamp = function(val, min, max) {
if(val > max) return max;
if(val < min) return min;
return val;
var updateWidths = function(e) {
maxScroll = $gradeTable.width() - $grades.width();
var targetLeft = clamp($gradeTable.position().left, -maxScroll, 0);
var updateHorizontalPosition = function(left) {
'left': left + 'px'
var highlightRow = function(e) {
var index = $(this).index();
$studentTable.find('tr').eq(index + 1).addClass('highlight');
$gradeTable.find('tr').eq(index + 1).addClass('highlight');
var filter = function(e) {
var term = $(this).val();
if(term.length > 0) {
$studentTable.find('tbody tr').hide();
$gradeTable.find('tbody tr').hide();
$studentTable.find('tbody tr:contains(' + term + ')').each(function(i) {
$gradeTable.find('tr').eq($(this).index() + 1).show();
} else {
$studentTable.find('tbody tr').show();
$gradeTable.find('tbody tr').show();
$leftShadow.css('height', tableHeight + 'px');
$rightShadow.css('height', tableHeight + 'px');
$grades.css('height', tableHeight);
$gradeTable.bind('mousedown', startDrag);
$element.find('tr').bind('mouseover', highlightRow);
$search.bind('keyup', filter);
$(window).bind('resize', updateWidths);
"use strict";
var $body = $('body');
var $grades = $element.find('.grades');
var $studentTable = $element.find('.student-table');
var $gradeTable = $element.find('.grade-table');
var $search = $element.find('.student-search-field');
var $leftShadow = $('<div class="left-shadow"></div>');
var $rightShadow = $('<div class="right-shadow"></div>');
var tableHeight = $gradeTable.height();
var maxScroll = $gradeTable.width() - $grades.width();
var mouseOrigin;
var tableOrigin;
var startDrag = function(e) {
mouseOrigin = e.pageX;
tableOrigin = $gradeTable.position().left;
$body.bind('mousemove', onDragTable);
$body.bind('mouseup', stopDrag);
* - Called when the user drags the gradetable
* - Calculates targetLeft, which is the desired position
* of the grade table relative to its leftmost position, using:
* - the new x position of the user's mouse pointer;
* - the gradebook's current x position, and;
* - the value of maxScroll (gradetable width - container width).
* - Updates the position and appearance of the gradetable.
var onDragTable = function(e) {
var offset = e.pageX - mouseOrigin;
var targetLeft = clamp(tableOrigin + offset, maxScroll, 0);
var stopDrag = function() {
$body.unbind('mousemove', onDragTable);
$body.unbind('mouseup', stopDrag);
var setShadows = function(left) {
var padding = 30;
var leftPercent = clamp(-left / padding, 0, 1);
$leftShadow.css('opacity', leftPercent);
var rightPercent = clamp((maxScroll + left) / padding, 0, 1);
$rightShadow.css('opacity', rightPercent);
var clamp = function(val, min, max) {
if(val > max) { return max; }
if(val < min) { return min; }
return val;
* - Called when the browser window is resized.
* - Recalculates maxScroll (gradetable width - container width).
* - Calculates targetLeft, which is the desired position
* of the grade table relative to its leftmost position, using:
* - the gradebook's current x position, and:
* - the new value of maxScroll
* - Updates the position and appearance of the gradetable.
var onResizeTable = function() {
maxScroll = $gradeTable.width() - $grades.width();
var targetLeft = clamp($gradeTable.position().left, maxScroll, 0);
* - Called on table drag and on window (table) resize.
* - Takes a integer value for the desired (pixel) offset from the left
* (zero/origin) position of the grade table.
* - Uses that value to position the table relative to its leftmost
* possible position within its container.
* @param {Number} left - The desired pixel offset from left of the
* desired position. If the value is 0, the gradebook should be moved
* all the way to the left side relative to its parent container.
var updateHorizontalPosition = function(left) {
var highlightRow = function() {
var index = $(this).index();
$studentTable.find('tr').eq(index + 1).addClass('highlight');
$gradeTable.find('tr').eq(index + 1).addClass('highlight');
var filter = function() {
var term = $(this).val();
if(term.length > 0) {
$studentTable.find('tbody tr').hide();
$gradeTable.find('tbody tr').hide();
$studentTable.find('tbody tr:contains(' + term + ')').each(function() {
$gradeTable.find('tr').eq($(this).index() + 1).show();
} else {
$studentTable.find('tbody tr').show();
$gradeTable.find('tbody tr').show();
$leftShadow.css('height', tableHeight + 'px');
$grades.css('height', tableHeight);
$gradeTable.bind('mousedown', startDrag);
$element.find('tr').bind('mouseover', highlightRow);
$search.bind('keyup', filter);
$(window).bind('resize', onResizeTable);
$cell-border-color: #e1e1e1;
$table-border-color: #c8c8c8;
.no-select {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
div.gradebook-wrapper {
section.gradebook-content {
......@@ -75,7 +84,8 @@ div.gradebook-wrapper {
position: relative;
float: left;
width: 76%;
overflow: hidden;
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
.right-shadow {
......@@ -74,13 +74,24 @@ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
<tr> <!-- Header Row -->
%for section in templateSummary['section_breakdown']:
<th><div class="assignment-label">${section['label']}</div></th>
tooltip_str = section['detail']
# We are making header labels from the first student record. So for tool tip (title),
# I am processing this string ```section['detail']``` from student record and removing
# all student related data i.e marks, percentage etc to get only the title of homework.
if "=" in section['detail']:
tooltip_str = section['detail'][0: section['detail'].rfind('=')]
if "-" in tooltip_str:
tooltip_str = tooltip_str[0: tooltip_str.rfind('-')]
<th title="${tooltip_str}"><div class="assignment-label">${section['label']}</div></th>
<th><div class="assignment-label">Total</div></th>
<th title="${_('Total')}"><div class="assignment-label">${_('Total')}</div></th>
<%def name="percent_data(fraction)">
<%def name="percent_data(fraction, label)">
letter_grade = 'None'
if fraction > 0:
......@@ -92,16 +103,16 @@ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
data_class = "grade_" + letter_grade
<td class="${data_class}" data-percent="${fraction}">${ "{0:.0f}".format( 100 * fraction ) }</td>
<td class="${data_class}" data-percent="${fraction}" title="${label}">${ "{0:.0f}".format( 100 * fraction ) }</td>
%for student in students:
%for section in student['grade_summary']['section_breakdown']:
${percent_data( section['percent'] )}
${percent_data( section['percent'], section['detail'] )}
${percent_data( student['grade_summary']['percent'])}
${percent_data( student['grade_summary']['percent'], _('Total'))}
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