Commit 340077d4 by Mark Hoeber

Merge pull request #2324 from edx/sylvia/documentation/BLD-544

Update "Problem Written in LaTeX" problem type to reflect changes in set...
parents cd7f1d92 7fdd552d
......@@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ templates for these problems, but the problems open directly in the
- :ref:`Math Expression Input` Math expression input problems require
students to enter a mathematical expression as text, such as
- :ref:`Problem Written in LaTeX` This problem type allows you to convert
problems that you've already written in LaTeX into the edX format.
Note that this problem type is still a prototype, however, and may
not be supported in the future.
- :ref:`Problem with Adaptive Hint` These problems can give students
feedback or hints based on their responses. Problems with adaptive
hints can be text input or multiple choice problems.
- :ref:`Problem Written in LaTeX` This problem type allows you to convert problems that you’ve already written in LaTeX into the edX format. Note that this problem type is still a prototype, however, and may not be supported in the future.
These problems are easy to access in Studio. To create them, click
**Problem** under **Add New Component**, click the **Advanced** tab, and
......@@ -328,16 +325,43 @@ To create a math expression input problem:
For more information, see `Symbolic Response
.. _Problem with Adaptive Hint:
Problem with Adaptive Hint
A problem with an adaptive hint evaluates a student's response, then
gives the student feedback or a hint based on that response so that the
student is more likely to answer correctly on the next attempt. These
problems can be text input or multiple choice problems.
.. image:: Images/ProblemWithAdaptiveHintExample.gif
:alt: Image of a problem with an adaptive hint
Create a Problem with an Adaptive Hint
To create a problem with an adaptive hint:
#. In the unit where you want to create the problem, click **Problem**
under **Add New Component**, and then click the **Advanced** tab.
#. Click **Problem with Adaptive Hint**.
#. In the component that appears, click **Edit**.
#. In the component editor, replace the example code with your own code.
#. Click **Save**.
.. _Problem Written in LaTeX:
Problem Written in LaTeX
.. warning:: This problem type is still a prototype and may not be supported in the future. By default, the ability to create these problems is not enabled in Studio. You must change the advanced settings in your course before you can create problems with LaTeX. Use this problem type with caution.
If you have an problem that is already written in LaTeX, you can use
this problem type to easily convert your code into XML. After you paste
your code into the LaTeX editor, you'll only need to make a few minor
adjustments. Note that **this problem type is still a prototype and may
not be supported in the future**, so you should use it with caution.
.. note:: If you want to use LaTeX to typeset mathematical expressions
in problems that you haven't yet written, use any of the other problem
......@@ -353,6 +377,13 @@ Create a Problem Written in LaTeX
To create a problem written in LaTeX:
#. Enable the policy key in your course.
#. In Studio, click **Settings**, and then click **Advanced Settings**.
#. On the **Advanced Settings** page, scroll down to the **use_latex_compiler** policy key.
#. In the **Policy Value** field next to the **use_latex_compiler** policy key, change **false** to **true**.
#. At the bottom of the page, click **Save Changes**.
#. In the unit where you want to create the problem, click **Problem**
under **Add New Component**, and then click the **Advanced** tab.
#. Click **Problem Written in LaTeX**.
......@@ -361,29 +392,4 @@ To create a problem written in LaTeX:
LaTeX Source Compiler**.
#. Replace the example code with your own code.
#. In the lower left corner of the LaTeX source compiler, click **Save &
Compile to edX XML**.
.. _Problem with Adaptive Hint:
Problem with Adaptive Hint
A problem with an adaptive hint evaluates a student's response, then
gives the student feedback or a hint based on that response so that the
student is more likely to answer correctly on the next attempt. These
problems can be text input or multiple choice problems.
.. image:: Images/ProblemWithAdaptiveHintExample.gif
:alt: Image of a problem with an adaptive hint
Create a Problem with an Adaptive Hint
To create a problem with an adaptive hint:
#. In the unit where you want to create the problem, click **Problem**
under **Add New Component**, and then click the **Advanced** tab.
#. Click **Problem with Adaptive Hint**.
#. In the component that appears, click **Edit**.
#. In the component editor, replace the example code with your own code.
#. Click **Save**.
Compile to edX XML**.
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