<p>The course will consist of 24 lectures, each lasting 50 minutes. There will be regular assignments consisting of map tests and short essays.</p>
<li>Are there any prerequisites?
<p>No - anyone and everyone is welcome to take this course.</p>
<li>What textbook should I buy?
<p>Although the lectures are designed to be self-contained, we recommend (but do not require) that students refer to the book Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World: From 1000 CE to the Present (W W Norton, 3rd edition) -- Volume II, which was written specifically for this course.</p>
<li>Does Harvard award credentials or reports regarding my work in this course?
<p>Princeton does not award credentials or issue reports for student work in this course. However, Coursera could maintain a record of your score on the assessments and, with your permission, verify that score for authorized parties.</p>