Commit 335298c8 by Brian Talbot Committed by Sarina Canelake

Studio: adding in usage note to UX reference templates

parent d233570c
......@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
<body class="<%block name='bodyclass'></%block> hide-wip lang_${LANGUAGE_CODE}">
<%block name="view_notes"></%block>
<a class="nav-skip" href="#content">${_("Skip to this view's content")}</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
......@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@
"URI": "js/vendor/URI.min",
"ieshim": "js/src/ie_shim",
"tooltip_manager": "js/src/tooltip_manager",
// Files needed for Annotations feature
"annotator": "js/vendor/ova/annotator-full",
"annotator-harvardx": "js/vendor/ova/annotator-full-firebase-auth",
<!-- NOTE:
This file is a static reference template used by the edX design and development teams while
building new features. These files are not generally maintained or updated once a feature has
been completed. Additionally, these templates are subject to the following:
* inconsistent markup/UI with current UI
* deletion by the edX design or development if not needed
* not compliant with internationalization, javascript, or accessibility standards used
throughout the rest of the platform
<%inherit file="../../base.html" />
<%block name="view_notes">
<%include file="_note-usage.html" />
import logging
from util.date_utils import get_default_time_display
* create-course and new-course prefixed classes have been changed to use rerun-courses plus generic form-create class
* changed form <input /> elements to <button> elements
- - -
* sync up styling of stateful classes
* need to add support for allow_unicode_course_id in real view's template
<%inherit file="../../base.html" />
<%block name="view_notes">
<%include file="_note-usage.html" />
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%! from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse %>
<%inherit file="../../base.html" />
<%block name="view_notes">
<%include file="_note-usage.html" />
<%block name="title">UX Style Reference</%block>
<%block name="bodyclass">is-signedin course uploads view-container</%block>
<%inherit file="../../base.html" />
<%block name="view_notes">
<%include file="_note-usage.html" />
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
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