errorMessage=gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.");// eslint-disable-line max-len
defaultErrorMessage=gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.");// eslint-disable-line max-len
errorMessage=gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.");// eslint-disable-line max-len
defaultErrorMessage=gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.");// eslint-disable-line max-len