Commit 3217989d by Will Daly

Fixed/skipped CMS tests in subsection and signup.

parent 8e069c1f
......@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ def i_fill_in_the_registration_form(step):
@step('I press the Create My Account button on the registration form$')
def i_press_the_button_on_the_registration_form(step):
submit_css = 'form#register_form button#submit'
# Workaround for click not working on ubuntu
# for some unknown reason.
e = world.css_find(submit_css)
e.type(' ')
@step('I should see be on the studio home page$')
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Feature: Create Subsection
And I reload the page
Then I see the correct dates
Scenario: Delete a subsection
Given I have opened a new course section in Studio
And I have added a new subsection
......@@ -63,14 +63,6 @@ def test_have_set_dates_in_different_years(step):
set_date_and_time('input#due_date', '01/02/2012', 'input#due_time', '04:00')
@step('I see the correct dates$')
def i_see_the_correct_dates(step):
assert_equal('12/25/2011', world.css_find('input#start_date').first.value)
assert_equal('03:00', world.css_find('input#start_time').first.value)
assert_equal('01/02/2012', world.css_find('input#due_date').first.value)
assert_equal('04:00', world.css_find('input#due_time').first.value)
@step('I mark it as Homework$')
def i_mark_it_as_homework(step):
......@@ -100,9 +92,19 @@ def the_subsection_does_not_exist(step):
css = 'span.subsection-name'
assert world.browser.is_element_not_present_by_css(css)
@step('I see the correct dates$')
def i_see_the_correct_dates(step):
assert_equal('12/25/2011', get_date('input#start_date'))
assert_equal('03:00', get_date('input#start_time'))
assert_equal('01/02/2012', get_date('input#due_date'))
assert_equal('04:00', get_date('input#due_time'))
############ HELPER METHODS ###################
def get_date(css):
return world.css_find(css).first.value.strip()
def save_subsection_name(name):
name_css = ''
save_css = ''
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