Commit 31e91529 by polesye

BLD-753: Add i18n for LTI.

parent 363c38a8
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import hashlib
import base64
import urllib
import textwrap
import json
from lxml import etree
from webob import Response
import mock
......@@ -230,8 +229,11 @@ class LTIModule(LTIFields, XModule):
param_name, param_value = [p.strip() for p in custom_parameter.split('=', 1)]
except ValueError:
raise LTIError('Could not parse custom parameter: {0!r}. \
Should be "x=y" string.'.format(custom_parameter))
_ = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n").ugettext
msg = _('Could not parse custom parameter: {custom_parameter}. Should be "x=y" string.').format(
raise LTIError(msg)
# LTI specs: 'custom_' should be prepended before each custom parameter, as pointed in link above.
if param_name not in PARAMETERS:
......@@ -659,8 +661,12 @@ oauth_consumer_key="", oauth_signature="frVp4JuvT1mVXlxktiAUjQ7%2F1cw%3D"'}
lti_id, key, secret = [i.strip() for i in lti_passport.split(':')]
except ValueError:
raise LTIError('Could not parse LTI passport: {0!r}. \
Should be "id:key:secret" string.'.format(lti_passport))
_ = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n").ugettext
msg = _('Could not parse LTI passport: {lti_passport}. Should be "id:key:secret" string.').format(
raise LTIError(msg)
if lti_id == self.lti_id.strip():
return key, secret
return '', ''
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<input name="${param_name}" value="${param_value}" />
<input type="submit" value="Press to Launch" />
<input type="submit" value="${_('Press to Launch')}" />
<script type="text/javascript">
(function (d) {
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