<!-- Uploading a CSV file of cohort assignments. -->
<button class="toggle-cohort-management-secondary" data-href="#cohort-management-file-upload"><%- gettext('Assign students to cohorts by uploading a CSV file') %></button>
<button class="toggle-cohort-management-secondary" data-href="#cohort-management-file-upload"><%- gettext('Assign learners to cohorts by uploading a CSV file') %></button>
<span class="icon fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml(
gettext('To review student cohort assignments or see the results of uploading a CSV file, download course profile information or cohort results on the {link_start}Data Download{link_end} page.'),
gettext('To review learner cohort assignments or see the results of uploading a CSV file, download course profile information or cohort results on the {link_start}Data Download{link_end} page.'),