Commit 3183be45 by Mark Hoeber

Release Notes 1-23-14

First Draft
parent 2ef095d9
January 23, 2014
You can now access the public edX roadmap_ for details about the currently planned product direction.
.. _roadmap:
edX Studio
New documentation, *Building a Course with edX Studio*, is available online_. You can also download the new guide as a PDF from the edX Studio user interface.
.. _online:
Changes and Updates
* You can now use single quotation marks in option response answers without escaping, when the single quotation mark is between two alphabet characters. (LMS-2031)
edX Learning Management System
* A problem that caused the dashboard to not load if there were unicode or space characters in the course image has been fixed. (LMS-2073, STUD-1197)
* For numerical response problems, students can now enter negative exponents in the same ways they can enter positive exponents. For example, students can enter ``4.9e-9`` or ``4.9*10^-9``. (BLD-434)
* For string response questions, students can now enter regex expressions as answers. (BLD-475)
* (BLD-529)
* The Discussion search field now expands when it gets focus through the keyboard. (FOR-203)
Open Response Assessments
* (ORA-254)
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......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Contents
:maxdepth: 5
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ that affect course authoring in edX Studio and the edX Learning Management Syste
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