Commit 30dc3bc4 by Julia Hansbrough

Command for retrying failed photo verifications

Includes test coverage
parent a6c02ccc
Django admin commands related to verify_student
from verify_student.models import SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification
from import BaseCommand
class Command(BaseCommand):
This method finds those PhotoVerifications with a status of
MUST_RETRY and attempts to verify them.
help = 'Retries SoftwareSecurePhotoVerifications that are in a state of \'must_retry\''
def handle(self, *args, **options):
attempts_to_retry = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(status='must_retry')
for attempt in attempts_to_retry:
self.stdout.write("Resubmitted failed photo verifications")
Tests for django admin commands in the verify_student module
Lots of imports from verify_student's model tests, since they cover similar ground
from import (
assert_equals, assert_true
from mock import patch
from django.test import TestCase
from django.conf import settings
import requests
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from verify_student.models import SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification
from import call_command
from verify_student.tests.test_models import MockKey, MockBucket, MockS3Connection, mock_software_secure_post, mock_software_secure_post_error, FAKE_SETTINGS
# Lots of patching to stub in our own settings, S3 substitutes, and HTTP posting
@patch.dict(settings.VERIFY_STUDENT, FAKE_SETTINGS)
@patch('verify_student.models.S3Connection', new=MockS3Connection)
@patch('verify_student.models.Key', new=MockKey)
@patch('', new=mock_software_secure_post)
class TestVerifyStudentCommand(TestCase):
Tests for django admin commands in the verify_student module
def create_and_submit(self, username):
Helper method that lets us create new SoftwareSecurePhotoVerifications
user = UserFactory.create()
attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(user=user) = username
attempt.upload_face_image("Fake Data")
attempt.upload_photo_id_image("More Fake Data")
return attempt
def test_retry_failed_photo_verifications(self):
Tests that the task used to find "must_retry" SoftwareSecurePhotoVerifications
and re-submit them executes successfully
# set up some fake data to use...
with patch('', new=mock_software_secure_post_error):
with patch('', new=mock_software_secure_post_error):
# check to make sure we had two successes and two failures; otherwise we've got problems elsewhere
assert_equals(len(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(status="submitted")), 1)
assert_equals(len(SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(status='must_retry')), 2)
attempts_to_retry = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(status='must_retry')
assert_equals(bool(attempts_to_retry), False)
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