Commit 2f5e1b9c by John Hess

Readable admin_dashboard

parent 85432353
# Create your views here.
import json
from datetime import datetime
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.http import Http404
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from student.models import CourseEnrollment, CourseEnrollmentAllowed
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
def dictfetchall(cursor):
'''Returns all rows from a cursor as a dict.
'''Returns a list of all rows from a cursor as a column: result dict.
Borrowed from Django documentation'''
desc = cursor.description
return [
dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row))
for row in cursor.fetchall()
table.append([col[0] for col in desc])
table = table + cursor.fetchall()
print "Table: " + str(table)
return table
def SQL_query_to_list(cursor, query_string):
print raw_result
return raw_result
def dashboard(request):
Quick hack to show staff enrollment numbers. This should be
replaced with a real dashboard later. This version is a short-term
bandaid for the next couple weeks.
Slightly less hackish hack to show staff enrollment numbers and other
simple queries.
All queries here should be indexed and simple. Mostly, this means don't
touch courseware_studentmodule, as tempting as it may be.
if not request.user.is_staff:
raise Http404
queries = []
queries.append("select count(user_id) as students, course_id from student_courseenrollment group by course_id order by students desc;")
queries.append("select count(distinct user_id) as unique_students from student_courseenrollment;")
queries.append("select registrations, count(registrations) from (select count(user_id) as registrations from student_courseenrollment group by user_id) as registrations_per_user group by registrations;")
# results are passed to the template. The template knows how to render
# two types of results: scalars and tables. Scalars should be represented
# as "Visible Title": Value and tables should be lists of lists where each
# inner list represents a single row of the table
results = {"scalars":{},"tables":{}}
# count how many users we have
results["scalars"]["Unique Usernames"]=User.objects.filter().count()
results["scalars"]["Activated Usernames"]=User.objects.filter(is_active=1).count()
# count how many enrollments we have
results["scalars"]["Total Enrollments Across All Courses"]=CourseEnrollment.objects.count()
# establish a direct connection to the database (for executing raw SQL)
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
results = []
for query in queries:
# define the queries that will generate our user-facing tables
# table queries need not take the form of raw SQL, but do in this case since
# the MySQL backend for django isn't very friendly with group by or distinct
table_queries = {}
table_queries["course enrollments"]="select count(user_id) as students, course_id from student_courseenrollment group by course_id order by students desc;"
table_queries["number of students in each number of classes"]="select registrations, count(registrations) from (select count(user_id) as registrations from student_courseenrollment group by user_id) as registrations_per_user group by registrations;"
# add the result for each of the table_queries to the results object
for query in table_queries.keys():
results["tables"][query] = SQL_query_to_list(cursor, table_queries[query])
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
return render_to_response("admin_dashboard.html",context)
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<section class="container about">
<section class="basic_stats">
<div class="edx_summary">
<h2>edX-wide Summary</h2>
<table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:50%">
% for key in results["scalars"]:
% endfor
% for table in results["tables"]:
<div class="table_display">
<table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:50%">
% for row in results["tables"][table]:
% for column in row:
% endfor
% endfor
% endfor
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