Commit 2f293ccc by Muzaffar yousaf Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14901 from OmarIthawi/omar/commentable-id-unicode

Unicode fixes for django_comment_client and request_cached decorator
parents 6be4337c 0a75f8ec
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
An implementation of a RequestCache. This cache is reset at the beginning
and end of every request.
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
import crum
import threading
......@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ def func_call_cache_key(func, *args, **kwargs):
the function's name, and a stringified list of arguments
and a query string-style stringified list of keyword arguments.
converted_args = map(str, args)
converted_kwargs = map(str, reduce(list.__add__, map(list, sorted(kwargs.iteritems())), []))
converted_args = map(force_text, args)
converted_kwargs = map(force_text, reduce(list.__add__, map(list, sorted(kwargs.iteritems())), []))
cache_keys = [func.__module__, func.func_name] + converted_args + converted_kwargs
return '.'.join(cache_keys)
return u'.'.join(cache_keys)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for the request cache.
......@@ -183,6 +184,28 @@ class TestRequestCache(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(result, 4)
self.assertEqual(to_be_wrapped.call_count, 4)
def test_request_cached_mixed_unicode_str_args(self):
Ensure that request_cached can work with mixed str and Unicode parameters.
def dummy_function(arg1, arg2):
A dummy function that expects an str and unicode arguments.
assert isinstance(arg1, str), 'First parameter has to be of type `str`'
assert isinstance(arg2, unicode), 'Second parameter has to be of type `unicode`'
return True
self.assertTrue(dummy_function('Hello', u'World'), 'Should be callable with ASCII chars')
self.assertTrue(dummy_function('H∂llå', u'Wørld'), 'Should be callable with non-ASCII chars')
wrapped = request_cached(dummy_function)
self.assertTrue(wrapped('Hello', u'World'), 'Wrapper should handle ASCII only chars')
self.assertTrue(wrapped('H∂llå', u'Wørld'), 'Wrapper should handle non-ASCII chars')
def test_request_cached_with_none_result(self):
Ensure that calling a decorated function that returns None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests for django comment client views."""
from contextlib import contextmanager
import logging
......@@ -1165,7 +1166,8 @@ class CreateThreadUnicodeTestCase(
request.user = self.student
request.view_name = "create_thread"
response = views.create_thread(
request, course_id=unicode(, commentable_id="non_team_dummy_id"
# The commentable ID contains a username, the Unicode char below ensures it works fine
request, course_id=unicode(, commentable_id=u"non_tåem_dummy_id"
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def _check_condition(user, condition, content):
commentable_id = content['commentable_id']
request_cache_dict = RequestCache.get_request_cache().data
cache_key = "django_comment_client.check_team_member.{}.{}".format(, commentable_id)
cache_key = u"django_comment_client.check_team_member.{}.{}".format(, commentable_id)
if cache_key in request_cache_dict:
return request_cache_dict[cache_key]
team = get_team(commentable_id)
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