Commit 2e905dc7 by Piotr Mitros

More of e-mail change process works

parent 1457c21f
......@@ -30,13 +30,14 @@ class UserProfile(models.Model):
meta = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255) # JSON dictionary for future expansion
courseware = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, default='course.xml')
def get_meta():
def get_meta(self):
js = json.reads(self.meta)
js = dict()
return json
def set_meta(js):
return js
def set_meta(self,js):
self.meta = json.dumps(js)
## TODO: Should be renamed to generic UserGroup, and possibly
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import json
import logging
import random
import string
import uuid
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import logout, authenticate, login
......@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string
from models import Registration, UserProfile
from models import Registration, UserProfile, PendingNameChange, PendingEmailChange
from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.user")
......@@ -330,12 +331,13 @@ def change_email_request(request):
d = {'site':settings.SITE_NAME,
'old_email' :,
'new_email' :}
'new_email' : pec.new_email}
subject = render_to_string('emails/email_change_subject.txt',d)
subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines())
message = render_to_string('emails/email_change.txt',d)
res=send_email(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [])
res=send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [pec.new_email])
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success':True}))
......@@ -349,14 +351,17 @@ def confirm_email_change(request, key):
return render_to_response("email_invalid_key.html")
subject = render_to_string('emails/confirm_email_change_subject.txt',d)
user = pec.user
d = {'site':settings.SITE_NAME,
'old_email' :,
'new_email' : pec.new_email}
subject = render_to_string('emails/email_change_subject.txt',d)
subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines())
message = render_to_string('emails/confirm_email_change.txt',d)
user = pec.user
user.email_user(subject, message, DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL)
up = UserProfile.objects.get( user = user )
meta = up.get_meta()
print meta
if 'old_emails' not in meta:
meta['old_emails'] = []
......@@ -365,8 +370,9 @@ def confirm_email_change(request, key): = pec.new_email
user.email_user(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL)
return render_to_response("email_change_successful.html")
return render_to_response("email_change_successful.html", d)
def change_name_request(request):
This is to confirm that you changed the e-mail associated with MITx
from ${old_email} to ${new_email}. If you did not make this request,
please contact the course staff immediately. Contact information is
listed at:
We received a request to change the e-mail associated with MITx
account ${username} from ${old_email} to ${new_email}. If this is
correct, please confirm your new e-mail address by visiting:
We received a request to change the e-mail associated with your MITx
account from ${old_email} to ${new_email}. If this is correct, please
confirm your new e-mail address by visiting:
http://${ site }/confirmemail/${ key }
http://${ site }/email_confirm/${ key }
If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't
receive any more email from us. Please do not reply to this e-mail; if
This is to confirm that you changed the e-mail associated with MITx
account ${username} from ${oldemail} to ${newemail}. If you did not
make this request, please contact the course staff
immediately. Contact information is listed at:
......@@ -79,18 +79,23 @@ $(function() {
alert("Test 1");
var new_email = $('#new_email_field').val();
var new_password = $('#new_email_password').val();
alert("Test 2");
$("#change_email").html("Request submitted. You'll receive a confirmation in your in-box.");
} else {
log_event("profile", {"type":"email_change_request",
alert("Test 3");
return false;
......@@ -201,7 +206,8 @@ $(function() {
<div id="apply_name_change" class="leanModal_box">
<h1>Apply to change your name</h1>
<form id="change_name_form">
<div id="change_name_error"> </div>
<p>A member of the course staff will review your request, and if approved, update your information. Please allow up to a week for your requested to be processed.</p>
......@@ -224,8 +230,8 @@ $(function() {
<div id="change_email" class="leanModal_box">
<h1>Change e-mail</h1>
<form id="change_email_form">
<div id="change_email_error"> </div>
......@@ -249,7 +255,8 @@ $(function() {
<div id="unenroll_course" class="leanModal_box">
<h1> Unenroll </h1>
<p> At the end of the semester, all students who do not complete the course will be automatically dropped. If you would still prefer to deactivate your account, you can: </p>
<form id="unenroll_form">
<div id="unenroll_error"> </div>
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import django.contrib.auth.views
urlpatterns = ('',
url(r'^$', 'student.views.index'), # Main marketing page, or redirect to courseware
url(r'^email_change$', 'student.views.change_email_request'),
url(r'^email_confirm$', 'student.views.change_email_confirm'),
url(r'^change_email$', 'student.views.change_email_request'),
url(r'^email_confirm/(?P<key>[^/]*)$', 'student.views.confirm_email_change'),
url(r'^gradebook$', 'courseware.views.gradebook'),
url(r'^event$', 'track.views.user_track'),
url(r'^t/(?P<template>[^/]*)$', 'static_template_view.views.index'),
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