Course team members with the Staff role help you manage your course. Staff can enroll and unenroll learners, as well as modify their grades and access all course data. Staff also have access to your course in Studio and Insights. You can only give course team roles to enrolled users."
<divclass="auth-list-container"data-rolename="Group Moderator"data-display-name="Group Community TA"
Group Community TAs are members of the community who help course teams moderate discussions. Group Community TAs see only posts by learners in their assigned group. They can edit or delete posts, clear flags, close and re-open threads, and endorse responses, but only for posts by learners in their group."
Group Community TAs are members of the community who help course teams moderate discussions. Group Community
TAs see only posts by learners in their assigned group. They can edit or delete posts, clear flags, close and
re-open threads, and endorse responses, but only for posts by learners in their group.
<thclass="label"scope="column">Revoke access</th>
<spanclass="label-text sr">Enter username or email</span>
<inputtype="text"name="add-field"class="add-field"placeholder="Enter username or email">
<inputtype="button"name="add"class="add"value="Add Group Community TA">
<divclass="auth-list-container"data-rolename="Community TA"data-display-name="Discussion Community TA"
Community TAs are members of the community who help course teams moderate discussions. They can see posts by all learners, and can edit or delete posts, clear flags, close or re-open threads, and endorse responses. Their posts are marked as 'Community TA'. Only enrolled users can be added as Community TAs."