Commit 2dcdaccb by Kyle Fiedler

Merged in default

branch : static-ernie-html5-buttontoggle
parents f969faa0 95e463c6
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......@@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ input, select {
.subpage > div, section.copyright > div, section.tos > div, section.privacy-policy > div, section.honor-code > div {
padding-left: 0; } }
.subpage > div p, section.copyright > div p, section.tos > div p, section.privacy-policy > div p, section.honor-code > div p {
margin-bottom: 25.888px; }
margin-bottom: 25.888px;
line-height: 25.888px; }
.subpage > div h1, section.copyright > div h1, section.tos > div h1, section.privacy-policy > div h1, section.honor-code > div h1 {
margin-bottom: 12.944px; }
.subpage > div h2, section.copyright > div h2, section.tos > div h2, section.privacy-policy > div h2, section.honor-code > div h2 {
......@@ -157,7 +158,8 @@ input, select {
.subpage > div ul, section.copyright > div ul, section.tos > div ul, section.privacy-policy > div ul, section.honor-code > div ul {
list-style: disc outside none; }
.subpage > div ul li, section.copyright > div ul li, section.tos > div ul li, section.privacy-policy > div ul li, section.honor-code > div ul li {
list-style: disc outside none; }
list-style: disc outside none;
line-height: 25.888px; }
.clearfix:after, .subpage:after, section.copyright:after, section.tos:after, section.privacy-policy:after, section.honor-code:after, header.announcement div section:after, section.index-content:after, section.index-content section:after, section.index-content section.about section:after, footer:after, div.leanModal_box#enroll ol:after {
content: ".";
......@@ -269,9 +271,6 @@ header.announcement {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; }
header.announcement.home {
background: #e3e3e3 url("/static/images/marketing/shot-5-medium.jpg"); }
@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
header.announcement.home {
background: #e3e3e3 url("/static/images/marketing/shot-5-large.jpg"); } }
header.announcement.home div {
padding: 258.88px 25.888px 77.664px; }
header.announcement.home div nav h1 {
.header-wrapper {display:none;}
#accordion {display:none;}
.ui-accordion {display:none;
.header-wrapper {
display: none; }
#accordion {
display: none; }
.ui-accordion {
display: none;
visibility: hidden;
width: 0%; }
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