Commit 2d3dab99 by Sarina Canelake

Remove 'batches' function, since == to 'chunk'

parent f9307340
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ def subscribe_with_data(mailchimp, list_id, user_data):
formated_data = list(format_entry(e) for e in user_data)
# send the updates in batches of a fixed size
for batch in batches(formated_data, SUBSCRIBE_BATCH_SIZE):
for batch in chunk(formated_data, SUBSCRIBE_BATCH_SIZE):
result = mailchimp.listBatchSubscribe(id=list_id,
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ def make_segments(mailchimp, list_id, count, emails):
for seg in xrange(count):
name = 'random_{0:002}'.format(seg)
seg_id = mailchimp.listStaticSegmentAdd(id=list_id, name=name)
for batch in batches(chunks[seg], BATCH_SIZE):
for batch in chunk(chunks[seg], BATCH_SIZE):
......@@ -281,11 +281,10 @@ def name_to_tag(name):
return (name[:10] if len(name) > 10 else name).replace(' ', '_').strip()
def batches(iterable, size):
slices = range(0, len(iterable), size)
return [iterable[slice(i, i + size)] for i in slices]
def chunk(l, n):
for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
def chunk(elist, size):
Generator. Yields a list of size `size` of the given list `elist`,
or a shorter list if at the end of the input.
for i in xrange(0, len(elist), size):
yield elist[i:i + size]
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