Commit 2cee39d5 by Renzo Lucioni

Modify Course API to filter visible courses by org

Org to filter by is provided to the Course API list view using a querystring argument. Filtering ultimately occurs at the database layer. ECOM-2761.
parent 029e1397
......@@ -17,14 +17,29 @@ from import staticfiles_storage
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview
def get_visible_courses():
def get_visible_courses(org=None):
Return the set of CourseDescriptors that should be visible in this branded instance
Return the set of CourseOverviews that should be visible in this branded instance
filtered_by_org = microsite.get_value('course_org_filter')
courses = CourseOverview.get_all_courses(org=filtered_by_org)
microsite_org = microsite.get_value('course_org_filter')
if org and microsite_org:
# When called in the context of a microsite, return an empty result if the org
# passed by the caller does not match the designated microsite org.
courses = CourseOverview.get_all_courses(org=org) if org == microsite_org else []
# We only make it to this point if one of org or microsite_org is defined.
# If both org and microsite_org were defined, the code would have fallen into the
# first branch of the conditional above, wherein an equality check is performed.
target_org = org or microsite_org
courses = CourseOverview.get_all_courses(org=target_org)
courses = sorted(courses, key=lambda course: course.number)
# When called in the context of a microsite, filtering can stop here.
if microsite_org:
return courses
# See if we have filtered course listings in this domain
filtered_visible_ids = None
......@@ -35,15 +50,12 @@ def get_visible_courses():
[SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(c) for c in settings.COURSE_LISTINGS[subdomain]]
if filtered_by_org:
return [course for course in courses if == filtered_by_org]
if filtered_visible_ids:
return [course for course in courses if in filtered_visible_ids]
# Let's filter out any courses in an "org" that has been declared to be
# in a Microsite
org_filter_out_set = microsite.get_all_orgs()
return [course for course in courses if not in org_filter_out_set]
# Filter out any courses belonging to a microsite, to avoid leaking these.
microsite_orgs = microsite.get_all_orgs()
return [course for course in courses if not in microsite_orgs]
def get_university_for_request():
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from import (
from .permissions import can_view_courses_for_username
......@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ def course_detail(request, username, course_key):
course_key (CourseKey): Identifies the course of interest
Return value:
`CourseDescriptor` object representing the requested course
`CourseOverview` object representing the requested course
user = get_effective_user(request.user, username)
return get_course_overview_with_access(
......@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ def course_detail(request, username, course_key):
def list_courses(request, username):
def list_courses(request, username, org=None):
Return a list of available courses.
......@@ -69,9 +68,14 @@ def list_courses(request, username):
The name of the user the logged-in user would like to be
identified as
Keyword Arguments:
org (string):
If specified, visible `CourseOverview` objects are filtered
such that only those belonging to the organization with the provided
org code (e.g., "HarvardX") are returned. Case-insensitive.
Return value:
List of `CourseDescriptor` objects representing the collection of courses.
List of `CourseOverview` objects representing the collection of courses.
user = get_effective_user(request.user, username)
return get_courses(user)
return get_courses(user, org=org)
Test for course API
from hashlib import md5
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.http import Http404
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.test import APIRequestFactory
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase, ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import check_mongo_calls
from ..api import course_detail, list_courses
from .mixins import CourseApiFactoryMixin
from ..api import course_detail, list_courses
class CourseApiTestMixin(CourseApiFactoryMixin):
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class CourseListTestMixin(CourseApiTestMixin):
Common behavior for list_courses tests
def _make_api_call(self, requesting_user, specified_user):
def _make_api_call(self, requesting_user, specified_user, org=None):
Call the list_courses api endpoint to get information about
`specified_user` on behalf of `requesting_user`.
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class CourseListTestMixin(CourseApiTestMixin):
request = Request(self.request_factory.get('/'))
request.user = requesting_user
with check_mongo_calls(0):
return list_courses(request, specified_user.username)
return list_courses(request, specified_user.username, org=org)
def verify_courses(self, courses):
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class TestGetCourseList(CourseListTestMixin, SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestGetCourseList, cls).setUpClass()
cls.course = cls.create_course()
cls.staff_user = cls.create_user("staff", is_staff=True)
cls.honor_user = cls.create_user("honor", is_staff=False)
......@@ -144,11 +144,35 @@ class TestGetCourseList(CourseListTestMixin, SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
self._make_api_call(anonuser, self.staff_user)
def test_multiple_courses(self):
courses = self._make_api_call(self.honor_user, self.honor_user)
self.assertEqual(len(courses), 2)
def test_filter_by_org(self):
"""Verify that courses are filtered by the provided org key."""
# Create a second course to be filtered out of queries.
alternate_course = self.create_course(
# No filtering.
unfiltered_courses = self._make_api_call(self.staff_user, self.staff_user)
for org in [,]:
any( == org for course in unfiltered_courses)
# With filtering.
filtered_courses = self._make_api_call(self.staff_user, self.staff_user,
all( == for course in filtered_courses)
class TestGetCourseListExtras(CourseListTestMixin, ModuleStoreTestCase):
Tests for Blocks Views
Tests for Course API views.
from hashlib import md5
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import RequestFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
from .mixins import CourseApiFactoryMixin, TEST_PASSWORD
from ..views import CourseDetailView
......@@ -78,6 +77,31 @@ class CourseListViewTestCase(CourseApiTestViewMixin, SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
self.verify_response(expected_status_code=403, params={'username': self.staff_user.username})
def test_filter_by_org(self):
"""Verify that CourseOverviews are filtered by the provided org key."""
# Create a second course to be filtered out of queries.
alternate_course = self.create_course(
# No filtering.
unfiltered_response = self.verify_response()
for org in [,]:
any(course['org'] == org for course in['results']) # pylint: disable=no-member
# With filtering.
filtered_response = self.verify_response(params={'org':})
all(course['org'] == for course in['results']) # pylint: disable=no-member
def test_not_logged_in(self):
......@@ -3,13 +3,11 @@ Course API Views
from django.http import Http404
from rest_framework.generics import ListAPIView, RetrieveAPIView
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from rest_framework.generics import ListAPIView, RetrieveAPIView
from openedx.core.lib.api.paginators import NamespacedPageNumberPagination
from .api import course_detail, list_courses
from .serializers import CourseSerializer
......@@ -127,6 +125,11 @@ class CourseListView(ListAPIView):
The username of the specified user whose visible courses we
want to see. Defaults to the current user.
org (optional):
If specified, visible `CourseOverview` objects are filtered
such that only those belonging to the organization with the provided
org code (e.g., "HarvardX") are returned. Case-insensitive.
* 200 on success, with a list of course discovery objects as returned
......@@ -170,4 +173,6 @@ class CourseListView(ListAPIView):
Return a list of courses visible to the user.
username = self.request.query_params.get('username', self.request.user.username)
return list_courses(self.request, username)
org = self.request.query_params.get('org')
return list_courses(self.request, username, org=org)
......@@ -373,11 +373,12 @@ def get_course_syllabus_section(course, section_key):
raise KeyError("Invalid about key " + str(section_key))
def get_courses(user, domain=None):
Returns a list of courses available, sorted by course.number
courses = branding.get_visible_courses()
def get_courses(user, domain=None, org=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Returns a list of courses available, sorted by course.number and optionally
filtered by org code (case-insensitive).
courses = branding.get_visible_courses(org=org)
permission_name = microsite.get_value(
......@@ -386,8 +387,6 @@ def get_courses(user, domain=None):
courses = [c for c in courses if has_access(user, permission_name, c)]
courses = sorted(courses, key=lambda course: course.number)
return courses
......@@ -2,23 +2,27 @@
Tests for course access
import ddt
import itertools
import mock
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
import ddt
from django.conf import settings
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
import mock
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey
from import (
get_course_by_id, get_cms_course_link,
get_course_info_section, get_course_about_section, get_cms_block_link
from import get_course_with_access, get_course_overview_with_access
from courseware.module_render import get_module_for_descriptor
from courseware.tests.helpers import get_request_for_user
from courseware.model_data import FieldDataCache
......@@ -80,6 +84,54 @@ class CoursesTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
with check_mongo_calls(num_mongo_calls):
course_access_func(user, 'load',
def test_get_courses(self):
Verify that org filtering performs as expected, and that an empty result
is returned if the org passed by the caller does not match the designated
microsite org.
primary = 'primary'
alternate = 'alternate'
def _fake_get_value(value, default=None):
"""Used to stub out microsite.get_value()."""
if value == 'course_org_filter':
return alternate
return default
user = UserFactory.create()
# Pass `emit_signals=True` so that these courses are cached with CourseOverviews.
primary_course = CourseFactory.create(org=primary, emit_signals=True)
alternate_course = CourseFactory.create(org=alternate, emit_signals=True)
unfiltered_courses = get_courses(user)
for org in [,]:
any( == org for course in unfiltered_courses)
filtered_courses = get_courses(user, org=primary)
all( == for course in filtered_courses)
with mock.patch('microsite_configuration.microsite.get_value', autospec=True) as mock_get_value:
mock_get_value.side_effect = _fake_get_value
# Request filtering for an org distinct from the designated microsite org.
no_courses = get_courses(user, org=primary)
self.assertEqual(no_courses, [])
# Request filtering for an org matching the designated microsite org.
microsite_courses = get_courses(user, org=alternate)
all( == for course in microsite_courses)
class ModuleStoreBranchSettingTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
......@@ -457,10 +457,15 @@ class CourseOverview(TimeStampedModel):
# Note: If a newly created course is not returned in this QueryList,
# make sure the "publish" signal was emitted when the course was
# created. For tests using CourseFactory, use emit_signals=True.
# created. For tests using CourseFactory, use emit_signals=True.
course_overviews = CourseOverview.objects.all()
if org:
course_overviews = course_overviews.filter(org=org)
# In rare cases, courses belonging to the same org may be accidentally assigned
# an org code with a different casing (e.g., Harvardx as opposed to HarvardX).
# Case-insensitive exact matching allows us to deal with this kind of dirty data.
course_overviews = course_overviews.filter(org__iexact=org)
return course_overviews
......@@ -444,14 +444,14 @@ class CourseOverviewTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
def test_get_select_courses(self):
course_ids = [CourseFactory.create().id for __ in range(3)]
select_course_ids = course_ids[:len(course_ids) - 1] # all items except the last
{ for course_overview in CourseOverview.get_select_courses(select_course_ids)},
def test_get_all_courses(self):
course_ids = [CourseFactory.create(emit_signals=True).id for __ in range(3)]
{ for course_overview in CourseOverview.get_all_courses()},
......@@ -470,12 +470,18 @@ class CourseOverviewTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
for __ in range(3)
{ for c in CourseOverview.get_all_courses()},
{ for c in org_courses[0] + org_courses[1]},
{ for c in CourseOverview.get_all_courses(org='test_org_1')},
{ for c in org_courses[1]},
{ for c in CourseOverview.get_all_courses()},
{ for c in org_courses[0] + org_courses[1]},
# Test case-insensitivity.
{ for c in CourseOverview.get_all_courses(org='TEST_ORG_1')},
{ for c in org_courses[1]},
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