Commit 2cb0c2f6 by Arjun Singh

Change documentation, make values strings for save button forcing

parent 8e3447ce
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
self.show_answer = self.metadata.get('showanswer', 'closed')
self.force_save_button = self.metadata.get('force_save_button', False)
self.force_save_button = self.metadata.get('force_save_button', 'false')
if self.show_answer == "":
self.show_answer = "closed"
......@@ -322,9 +322,10 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
if not self.lcp.done:
reset_button = False
# We don't need a "save" button if infinite number of attempts and
# non-randomized
if not self.force_save_button and (self.max_attempts is None and self.rerandomize != "always"):
# We may not need a "save" button if infinite number of attempts and
# non-randomized. The problem author can force it. It's a bit weird for
# randomization to control this; should perhaps be cleaned up.
if (self.force_save_button == "false") and (self.max_attempts is None and self.rerandomize != "always"):
save_button = False
context = {'problem': content,
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