Commit 2c774fd2 by Peter Fogg

Allow sorting of teams in a topic.

parent a8284058
......@@ -20,6 +20,25 @@ TEAMS_HEADER_CSS = '.teams-header'
CREATE_TEAM_LINK_CSS = '.create-team'
class TeamCardsMixin(object):
"""Provides common operations on the team card component."""
def team_cards(self):
"""Get all the team cards on the page."""
return self.q(css='.team-card')
def team_names(self):
"""Return the names of each team on the page."""
return self.q(css='h3.card-title').map(lambda e: e.text).results
def team_descriptions(self):
"""Return the names of each team on the page."""
return self.q(css='p.card-description').map(lambda e: e.text).results
class TeamsPage(CoursePage):
Teams page/tab.
......@@ -84,7 +103,7 @@ class TeamsPage(CoursePage):
class MyTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
class MyTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin, TeamCardsMixin):
The 'My Teams' tab of the Teams page.
......@@ -98,11 +117,6 @@ class MyTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
return False
return 'is-active' in button_classes[0]
def team_cards(self):
"""Get all the team cards on the page."""
return self.q(css='.team-card')
class BrowseTopicsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
......@@ -145,7 +159,7 @@ class BrowseTopicsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
class BrowseTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
class BrowseTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin, TeamCardsMixin):
The paginated UI for browsing teams within a Topic on the Teams
......@@ -179,9 +193,13 @@ class BrowseTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
return self.q(css=TEAMS_HEADER_CSS + ' .page-description')[0].text
def team_cards(self):
"""Get all the team cards on the page."""
return self.q(css='.team-card')
def sort_order(self):
"""Return the current sort order on the page."""
return self.q(
css='#paging-header-select option'
lambda e: e.is_selected()
def click_create_team_link(self):
""" Click on create team link."""
......@@ -204,6 +222,13 @@ class BrowseTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
def sort_teams_by(self, sort_order):
"""Sort the list of teams by the given `sort_order`."""
css='#paging-header-select option[value={sort_order}]'.format(sort_order=sort_order)
class CreateOrEditTeamPage(CoursePage, FieldsMixin):
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
define(['teams/js/collections/base', 'teams/js/models/team', 'gettext'],
function(BaseCollection, TeamModel, gettext) {
var TeamCollection = BaseCollection.extend({
sortField: 'last_activity_at',
initialize: function(teams, options) {
var self = this;, options);
......@@ -12,14 +14,14 @@
topic_id: this.topic_id = options.topic_id,
expand: 'user',
course_id: function () { return encodeURIComponent(self.course_id); },
order_by: function () { return 'name'; } // TODO surface sort order in UI
order_by: function () { return this.sortField; }
delete this.server_api.sort_order; // Sort order is not specified for the Team API
this.registerSortableField('name', gettext('name'));
this.registerSortableField('open_slots', gettext('open_slots'));
this.registerSortableField('last_activity_at', gettext('last activity'));
this.registerSortableField('open_slots', gettext('open slots'));
model: TeamModel
......@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@
var TeamsView = PaginatedView.extend({
type: 'teams',
events: {
'click button.action': '' // entry point for team creation
srInfo: {
id: "heading-browse-teams",
text: gettext('All teams')
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
define(['backbone', 'gettext', 'teams/js/views/teams',
function (Backbone, gettext, TeamsView, teamActionsTemplate) {
], function (Backbone, gettext, TeamsView, PagingHeader, teamActionsTemplate) {
var TopicTeamsView = TeamsView.extend({
events: {
'click a.browse-teams': 'browseTeams',
......@@ -54,6 +57,14 @@
showCreateTeamForm: function (event) {
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + this.teamParams.topicID + '/create-team', {trigger: true});
createHeaderView: function () {
return new PagingHeader({
collection: this.options.collection,
srInfo: this.srInfo,
showSortControls: true
......@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@
label { // override
color: inherit;
font-size: inherit;
cursor: auto;
.listing-sort-select {
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