Commit 2c3a5428 by Prem Sichanugrist

Update code base on changes in master

parent e92d8def
class CMS.Views.Week extends Backbone.View
'click .module-edit': 'edit'
'click .week-edit': 'edit'
initialize: ->
@model = new CMS.Models.Week(id: @$'id'))
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
% for week in weeks:
<li class="week" data-id="${week.location.url()}">
<h1><a href="#" class="module-edit">${}</a></h1>
<h1><a href="#" class="week-edit">${}</a></h1>
% if 'goals' in week.metadata:
% for goal in week.metadata['goals']:
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<ul class="modules">
% for module in week.get_children():
<li class="module" data-id="${module.location.url()}" data-type="${module.category}">
<li class="module" data-id="${module.location.url()}" data-type="${module.js_module_name()}">
<a href="#" class="module-edit">${}</a>
<a href="#" class="draggable">handle</a>
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
% for child in module.get_children():
<a href="#" class="module-edit" data-id="${child.location.url()}" data-type="${child.type}">${}</a>
<a href="#" class="module-edit" data-id="${child.location.url()}" data-type="${child.js_module_name()}">${}</a>
<a href="#" class="draggable">handle</a>
class @HTML
constructor: (@id) ->
@edit_box = $("##{@id} .edit-box")
@preview = $("##{@id} .preview")
constructor: (@element) ->
@edit_box = $(".edit-box", @element)
@preview = $(".preview", @element)
@edit_box.on('input', =>
class @Raw
constructor: (@id) ->
@edit_box = $("##{@id} .edit-box")
@preview = $("##{@id} .preview")
constructor: (@element) ->
@edit_box = $(".edit-box", @element)
@preview = $(".preview", @element)
@edit_box.on('input', =>
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