Commit 2c2668ca by David Baumgold

Removed template loader JS library

parent 1b4f9c66
// <!-- from -->
// TODO Figure out how to initialize w/ static views from server (don't call .load but instead inject in django as strings)
// so this only loads the lazily loaded ones.
(function () {
if (typeof window.templateLoader == 'function') return;
var templateLoader = {
templateVersion: "0.0.15",
templates: {},
// Control whether template caching in local memory occurs. Caching screws up development but may
// be a good optimization in production (it works fairly well).
cacheTemplates: false,
loadRemoteTemplate: function (templateName, filename, callback) {
if (!this.templates[templateName]) {
var self = this;
jQuery.ajax({url: filename,
success: function (data) {
self.addTemplate(templateName, data);
error: function (xhdr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
dataType: "html"
else {
addTemplate: function (templateName, data) {
// is there a reason this doesn't go ahead and compile the template? _.template(data)
// I suppose localstorage use would still req raw string rather than compiled version, but that sd work
// if it maintains a separate cache of uncompiled ones
this.templates[templateName] = data;
localStorageAvailable: function () {
try {
return this.cacheTemplates && 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null;
} catch (e) {
return false;
saveLocalTemplates: function () {
if (this.localStorageAvailable()) {
localStorage.setItem("templates", JSON.stringify(this.templates));
localStorage.setItem("templateVersion", this.templateVersion);
loadLocalTemplates: function () {
if (this.localStorageAvailable()) {
var templateVersion = localStorage.getItem("templateVersion");
if (templateVersion && templateVersion == this.templateVersion) {
var templates = localStorage.getItem("templates");
if (templates) {
templates = JSON.parse(templates);
for (var x in templates) {
if (!this.templates[x]) {
this.addTemplate(x, templates[x]);
else {
window.templateLoader = templateLoader;
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