Commit 2c20ac7c by John Eskew Committed by Clinton Blackburn

Remove comments that refer to XML courses.

parent 23f80d8f
......@@ -159,12 +159,10 @@ TEST_DATA_MIXED_MODULESTORE = mixed_store_config(
# All store requests now go through mixed
# Use this modulestore if you specifically want to test mongo and not a mocked modulestore.
# This modulestore definition below will not load any xml courses.
TEST_DATA_MONGO_MODULESTORE = mixed_store_config(mkdtemp_clean(), {})
# All store requests now go through mixed
# Use this modulestore if you specifically want to test split-mongo and not a mocked modulestore.
# This modulestore definition below will not load any xml courses.
TEST_DATA_SPLIT_MODULESTORE = mixed_store_config(
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