Commit 2b149605 by Jay Zoldak

Merge pull request #1689 from MITx/fix/cale/pylint-cleanup

Small pylint cleanup
parents 27be7e15 a4f10bfd
Namespace defining common fields used by Studio for all blocks
import datetime
from xblock.core import Namespace, Boolean, Scope, ModelType, String
class StringyBoolean(Boolean):
Reads strings from JSON as booleans.
If the string is 'true' (case insensitive), then return True,
otherwise False.
JSON values that aren't strings are returned as is
def from_json(self, value):
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return value.lower() == 'true'
return value
class DateTuple(ModelType):
ModelType that stores datetime objects as time tuples
......@@ -24,6 +37,9 @@ class DateTuple(ModelType):
class CmsNamespace(Namespace):
Namespace with fields common to all blocks in Studio
is_draft = Boolean(help="Whether this module is a draft", default=False, scope=Scope.settings)
published_date = DateTuple(help="Date when the module was published", scope=Scope.settings)
published_by = String(help="Id of the user who published this module", scope=Scope.settings)
from xblock.core import Namespace, Boolean, Scope, String, List, Float
Namespace that defines fields common to all blocks used in the LMS
from xblock.core import Namespace, Boolean, Scope, String, Float
from xmodule.fields import Date, Timedelta
class StringyBoolean(Boolean):
Reads strings from JSON as booleans.
'true' (case insensitive) return True, other strings return False
Other types are returned unchanged
def from_json(self, value):
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return value.lower() == 'true'
return value
class StringyFloat(Float):
Reads values as floats. If the value parses as a float, returns
that, otherwise returns None
def from_json(self, value):
return float(value)
......@@ -17,6 +31,9 @@ class StringyFloat(Float):
class LmsNamespace(Namespace):
Namespace that defines fields common to all blocks used in the LMS
hide_from_toc = StringyBoolean(
help="Whether to display this module in the table of contents",
......@@ -38,8 +55,14 @@ class LmsNamespace(Namespace):
source_file = String(help="DO NOT USE", scope=Scope.settings)
xqa_key = String(help="DO NOT USE", scope=Scope.settings)
ispublic = Boolean(help="Whether this course is open to the public, or only to admins", scope=Scope.settings)
graceperiod = Timedelta(help="Amount of time after the due date that submissions will be accepted", scope=Scope.settings)
graceperiod = Timedelta(
help="Amount of time after the due date that submissions will be accepted",
showanswer = String(help="When to show the problem answer to the student", scope=Scope.settings, default="closed")
rerandomize = String(help="When to rerandomize the problem", default="always", scope=Scope.settings)
days_early_for_beta = StringyFloat(help="Number of days early to show content to beta users", default=None, scope=Scope.settings)
days_early_for_beta = StringyFloat(
help="Number of days early to show content to beta users",
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