Commit 2ae92cbd by Don Mitchell

Added RequireJS to fix expectation that it's included.

Unit drag and drop works correctly now.
parent 6ce300a3
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ PIPELINE_JS = {
'source_filenames': sorted(
rooted_glob(COMMON_ROOT / 'static/', 'coffee/src/**/*.coffee') +
rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static/', 'coffee/src/**/*.coffee')
) + ['js/hesitate.js', 'js/base.js'],
) + [ 'js/vendor/RequireJS.js', 'js/hesitate.js', 'js/base.js'],
'output_filename': 'js/cms-application.js',
'module-js': {
......@@ -80,10 +80,23 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('.import .file-input').click();
var cachedHesitation = new CMS.HesitateEvent( expandSection, 'dropout', true);
// making the unit list draggable. Note: sortable didn't work b/c it considered
// drop points which the user hovered over as destinations if the user subsequently
// dropped at an illegal spot.
// drop points which the user hovered over as destinations and proactively changed
// the dom; so, if the user subsequently dropped at an illegal spot, the reversion
// point was the last dom change.
axis: 'y',
handle: '.drag-handle',
stack: '.unit',
revert: "invalid"
// Subsection reordering
axis: 'y',
handle: '.section-item .drag-handle',
revert: "invalid"
accept : '.unit',
......@@ -92,26 +105,11 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('.subsection-list > ol').droppable({
// why don't we have a more useful class for subsections than id-holder?
accept : '.unit .id-holder',
accept : '.id-holder', // '.unit, .id-holder',
drop: onSubsectionReordered,
greedy: true
// Are there any other collapsed than possible droppables?
over : cachedHesitation.trigger
axis: 'y',
handle: '.drag-handle'
// Subsection reordering
axis: 'y',
handle: '.section-item .drag-handle'
// Section reordering
axis: 'y',
......@@ -273,39 +271,56 @@ function checkDropValidity(event, ui) {
return true;
// This method only changes the ordering of the child objects in a subsection
function onUnitReordered(event, ui) {
// a unit's been dropped on this subsection,
// figure out where
// This is called 2x when moving from one subsection to another: once for the sender and once
// for the receiver. The sender's call has ui.sender == null
// figure out where it came from and where it slots in.
var subsection_id = $('subsection-id');
var _els = $('li:.leaf');
var children =, el) { return $(el).data('id'); }).get();
// if it believes the element belongs in this section, check that it was dropped w/in the bounds
if (_.contains(children,'id'))) {
if (checkDropValidity(event, ui)) {
// call into server to commit the new order
url: "/save_item",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data:JSON.stringify({ 'id' : subsection_id, 'children' : children})
// if new to this parent, figure out which parent to remove it from and do so
if (!_.contains(children,'id'))) {
var old_parent = ui.draggable.parent();
var old_children = old_parent.children('li:.leaf').map(function(idx, el) { return $(el).data('id'); }).get();
old_children = _.without(old_children,'id'));
// call into server to commit the new order
url: "/save_item",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data:JSON.stringify({ 'id' :'subsection-id'), 'children' : old_children})
else {
// recording the removal (as element is not in the collection)
url: "/save_item",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data:JSON.stringify({ 'id' : subsection_id, 'children' : children})
// staying in same parent
// remove so that the replacement in the right place doesn't double it
children = _.without(children,'id'));
// add to this parent (figure out where)
for (var i = 0; i < _els.length; i++) {
if ( < $(_els[i]).offset().top) {
// insert at i in children and _els
// TODO figure out correct way to have it format (and again below)
ui.draggable.attr("style", "position:relative;");
children.splice(i, 0,'id'));
// see if it goes at end (the above loop didn't insert it)
if (!_.contains(children,'id'))) {
ui.draggable.attr("style", "position:relative;"); // STYLE hack too
url: "/save_item",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data:JSON.stringify({ 'id' : subsection_id, 'children' : children})
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