Commit 2adb03ec by Renzo Lucioni Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14417 from edx/renzo/update-catalog-factories

Update catalog factories
parents 1e929897 87ff585e
"""Factories for generating fake catalog data."""
from uuid import uuid4
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, invalid-name
from random import randint
import factory
from factory.fuzzy import FuzzyText
from faker import Faker
class Organization(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing Organization resources from the catalog API.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
fake = Faker()
name = FuzzyText(prefix='Organization ')
key = FuzzyText(suffix='X')
def generate_course_key():
return '+'.join(fake.words(2))
class CourseRun(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing CourseRun resources from the catalog API.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
key = FuzzyText(prefix='org/', suffix='/run')
marketing_url = FuzzyText(prefix='')
def generate_course_run_key():
return 'course-v1:' + '+'.join(fake.words(3))
class Course(factory.Factory):
def generate_zulu_datetime():
Factory for stubbing Course resources from the catalog API.
The catalog returns UTC datetimes formatted using Z, the zone designator
for the zero UTC offset, not the +00:00 offset. For more, see
return fake.date_time().isoformat() + 'Z'
class DictFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta(object):
model = dict
title = FuzzyText(prefix='Course ')
key = FuzzyText(prefix='course+')
owners = [Organization()]
course_runs = [CourseRun() for __ in range(3)]
class ImageFactory(DictFactory):
height = factory.Faker('random_int')
width = factory.Faker('random_int')
class BannerImage(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing BannerImage resources from the catalog API.
class Image(ImageFactory):
class Meta(object):
model = dict
For constructing dicts mirroring the catalog's serialized representation of ImageFields.
url = FuzzyText(
description = factory.Faker('sentence')
src = factory.Faker('image_url')
class Program(factory.Factory):
class StdImage(ImageFactory):
Factory for stubbing Program resources from the catalog API.
For constructing dicts mirroring the catalog's serialized representation of StdImageFields.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
url = factory.Faker('image_url')
uuid = str(uuid4())
title = FuzzyText(prefix='Program ')
subtitle = FuzzyText(prefix='Subtitle ')
type = 'FooBar'
marketing_slug = FuzzyText(prefix='slug_')
authoring_organizations = [Organization()]
courses = [Course() for __ in range(3)]
banner_image = {
size: BannerImage() for size in ['large', 'medium', 'small', 'x-small']
def generate_sized_stdimage():
return {
size: StdImage() for size in ['large', 'medium', 'small', 'x-small']
class ProgramType(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing ProgramType resources from the catalog API.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
class Organization(DictFactory):
key = factory.Faker('word')
name = factory.Faker('company')
uuid = factory.Faker('uuid4')
class CourseRun(DictFactory):
end = factory.LazyFunction(generate_zulu_datetime)
enrollment_end = factory.LazyFunction(generate_zulu_datetime)
enrollment_start = factory.LazyFunction(generate_zulu_datetime)
image = Image()
key = factory.LazyFunction(generate_course_run_key)
marketing_url = factory.Faker('url')
pacing_type = 'self_paced'
short_description = factory.Faker('sentence')
start = factory.LazyFunction(generate_zulu_datetime)
title = factory.Faker('catch_phrase')
type = 'verified'
uuid = factory.Faker('uuid4')
name = FuzzyText()
logo_image = FuzzyText(prefix='')
class Course(DictFactory):
course_runs = [CourseRun() for __ in range(randint(3, 5))]
image = Image()
key = factory.LazyFunction(generate_course_key)
owners = [Organization()]
title = factory.Faker('catch_phrase')
uuid = factory.Faker('uuid4')
class Program(DictFactory):
authoring_organizations = [Organization()]
banner_image = factory.LazyFunction(generate_sized_stdimage)
card_image_url = factory.Faker('image_url')
courses = [Course() for __ in range(randint(3, 5))]
marketing_slug = factory.Faker('slug')
marketing_url = factory.Faker('url')
status = 'active'
subtitle = factory.Faker('sentence')
title = factory.Faker('catch_phrase')
type = factory.Faker('word')
uuid = factory.Faker('uuid4')
class ProgramType(DictFactory):
name = factory.Faker('word')
logo_image = factory.LazyFunction(generate_sized_stdimage)
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