Commit 290d049c by marco

Merge branch 'feature/christina/metadata-ui' of…

Merge branch 'feature/christina/metadata-ui' of into feature/christina/metadata-ui
parents 72e1fab1 57f8bbf6
......@@ -35,29 +35,29 @@ Feature: Problem Editor
Scenario: User can modify float input values
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
And I edit and select Settings
Then I can set the weight to 3.5
Then I can set the weight to "3.5"
And my change to weight is persisted
And I can revert to the default value of unset for weight
Scenario: User cannot type letters in float number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
And I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the weight to abc, it remains unset
Then if I set the weight to "abc", it remains unset
Scenario: User cannot type decimal values integer number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
And I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the max attempts to 2.34, the max attempts are persisted as 234
Then if I set the max attempts to "2.34", it displays initially as "234", and is persisted as "234"
Scenario: User cannot type out of range values in an integer number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
And I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the max attempts to -3, the max attempts are persisted as 1
Then if I set the max attempts to "-3", it displays initially as "-3", and is persisted as "1"
Scenario: Settings changes are not saved on Cancel
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
And I edit and select Settings
Then I can set the weight to 3.5
Then I can set the weight to "3.5"
And I can modify the display name
Then If I press Cancel my changes are not persisted
......@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ def i_can_revert_to_default_for_randomization(step):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(RANDOMIZATION), RANDOMIZATION, "Always", False)
@step('I can set the weight to 3.5')
def i_can_set_weight_to_3_5(step):
@step('I can set the weight to "(.*)"?')
def i_can_set_weight(step, weight):
......@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ def i_can_revert_to_default_for_unset_weight(step):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", False)
@step('if I set the weight to abc, it remains unset')
def set_the_weight_to_abc(step):
@step('if I set the weight to "(.*)", it remains unset')
def set_the_weight_to_abc(step, bad_weight):
# We show the clear button immediately on type, hence the "True" here.
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", True)
......@@ -123,20 +123,12 @@ def set_the_weight_to_abc(step):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", False)
@step('if I set the max attempts to 2.34, the max attempts are persisted as 234')
def set_the_max_attempts_234(step):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, "234", True)
@step('if I set the max attempts to "(.*)", it displays initially as "(.*)", and is persisted as "(.*)"')
def set_the_max_attempts(step, max_attempts_set, max_attempts_displayed, max_attempts_persisted):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, max_attempts_displayed, True)
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, "234", True)
@step('I set the max attempts to -3, the max attempts are persisted as 1')
def set_max_attempts_to_neg_3(step):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, "-3", True)
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, "1", True)
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, max_attempts_persisted, True)
@step('Edit High Level Source is not visible')
......@@ -189,3 +181,7 @@ def verify_modified_display_name_with_special_chars():
def verify_unset_display_name():
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME), DISPLAY_NAME, '', False)
def set_weight(weight):
......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
<div class="wrapper wrapper-view">
<%include file="widgets/header.html" />
## remove this block after advanced settings notification is rewritten
<%block name="view_alerts"></%block>
<div id="page-alert"></div>
<%block name="content"></%block>
......@@ -72,9 +74,13 @@
<%include file="widgets/footer.html" />
<%include file="widgets/tender.html" />
## remove this block after advanced settings notification is rewritten
<%block name="view_notifications"></%block>
<div id="page-notification"></div>
## remove this block after advanced settings notification is rewritten
<%block name="view_prompts"></%block>
<div id="page-prompt"></div>
<%block name="jsextra"></%block>
# .coveragerc for common/lib/calc
data_file = reports/common/lib/calc/.coverage
source = common/lib/calc
branch = true
ignore_errors = True
title = Calc Python Test Coverage Report
directory = reports/common/lib/calc/cover
output = reports/common/lib/calc/coverage.xml
......@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ def evaluator(variables, functions, string, cs=False):
return x
def parallel(x): # Parallel resistors [ 1 2 ] => 2/3
# convert from pyparsing.ParseResults, which doesn't support '0 in x'
x = list(x)
if len(x) == 1:
return x[0]
if 0 in x:
......@@ -230,27 +232,3 @@ def evaluator(variables, functions, string, cs=False):
expr << Optional((plus | minus)) + term + ZeroOrMore((plus | minus) + term) # -5 + 4 - 3
expr = expr.setParseAction(sum_parse_action)
return (expr + stringEnd).parseString(string)[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
variables = {'R1': 2.0, 'R3': 4.0}
functions = {'sin': numpy.sin, 'cos': numpy.cos}
print "X", evaluator(variables, functions, "10000||sin(7+5)-6k")
print "X", evaluator(variables, functions, "13")
print evaluator({'R1': 2.0, 'R3': 4.0}, {}, "13")
print evaluator({'e1': 1, 'e2': 1.0, 'R3': 7, 'V0': 5, 'R5': 15, 'I1': 1, 'R4': 6}, {}, "e2")
print evaluator({'a': 2.2997471478310274, 'k': 9, 'm': 8, 'x': 0.66009498411213041}, {}, "5")
print evaluator({}, {}, "-1")
print evaluator({}, {}, "-(7+5)")
print evaluator({}, {}, "-0.33")
print evaluator({}, {}, "-.33")
print evaluator({}, {}, "5+1*j")
print evaluator({}, {}, "j||1")
print evaluator({}, {}, "e^(j*pi)")
print evaluator({}, {}, "fact(5)")
print evaluator({}, {}, "factorial(5)")
print evaluator({}, {}, "5+7 QWSEKO")
except UndefinedVariable:
print "Successfully caught undefined variable"
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import random
import unittest
import textwrap
import mock
import textwrap
from . import new_loncapa_problem, test_system
......@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ class SymbolicResponseTest(ResponseTest):
def test_grade_single_input(self):
problem = self.build_problem(math_display=True,
# Correct answers
correct_inputs = [
......@@ -223,7 +222,6 @@ class SymbolicResponseTest(ResponseTest):
for (input_str, input_mathml) in incorrect_inputs:
self._assert_symbolic_grade(problem, input_str, input_mathml, 'incorrect')
def test_complex_number_grade(self):
problem = self.build_problem(math_display=True,
......@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ class SymbolicResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# Correct answer
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'post') as mock_post:
# Simulate what the LaTeX-to-MathML server would
# Simulate what the LaTeX-to-MathML server would
# send for the correct response input
mock_post.return_value.text = correct_snuggletex_response
......@@ -323,7 +321,7 @@ class SymbolicResponseTest(ResponseTest):
input_dict = {'1_2_1': str(student_input),
'1_2_1_dynamath': str(dynamath_input) }
'1_2_1_dynamath': str(dynamath_input)}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
......@@ -349,10 +347,18 @@ class OptionResponseTest(ResponseTest):
class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
Test the FormulaResponse class
from response_xml_factory import FormulaResponseXMLFactory
xml_factory_class = FormulaResponseXMLFactory
def test_grade(self):
Test basic functionality of FormulaResponse
Specifically, if it can understand equivalence of formulae
# Sample variables x and y in the range [-10, 10]
sample_dict = {'x': (-10, 10), 'y': (-10, 10)}
......@@ -373,6 +379,9 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "incorrect")
def test_hint(self):
Test the hint-giving functionality of FormulaResponse
# Sample variables x and y in the range [-10, 10]
sample_dict = {'x': (-10, 10), 'y': (-10, 10)}
......@@ -401,6 +410,10 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
'Try including the variable x')
def test_script(self):
Test if python script can be used to generate answers
# Calculate the answer using a script
script = "calculated_ans = 'x+x'"
......@@ -419,7 +432,9 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, '3*x', 'incorrect')
def test_parallel_resistors(self):
"""Test parallel resistors"""
Test parallel resistors
sample_dict = {'R1': (10, 10), 'R2': (2, 2), 'R3': (5, 5), 'R4': (1, 1)}
# Test problem
......@@ -440,8 +455,11 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "incorrect")
def test_default_variables(self):
"""Test the default variables provided in common/lib/capa/capa/"""
# which are: j (complex number), e, pi, k, c, T, q
Test the default variables provided in
which are: j (complex number), e, pi, k, c, T, q
# Sample x in the range [-10,10]
sample_dict = {'x': (-10, 10)}
......@@ -464,11 +482,14 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
msg="Failed on variable {0}; the given, incorrect answer was {1} but graded 'correct'".format(var, incorrect))
def test_default_functions(self):
"""Test the default functions provided in common/lib/capa/capa/"""
# which are: sin, cos, tan, sqrt, log10, log2, ln,
# arccos, arcsin, arctan, abs,
# fact, factorial
Test the default functions provided in common/lib/capa/capa/
which are:
sin, cos, tan, sqrt, log10, log2, ln,
arccos, arcsin, arctan, abs,
fact, factorial
w = random.randint(3, 10)
sample_dict = {'x': (-10, 10), # Sample x in the range [-10,10]
'y': (1, 10), # Sample y in the range [1,10] - logs, arccos need positive inputs
......@@ -496,8 +517,10 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
msg="Failed on function {0}; the given, incorrect answer was {1} but graded 'correct'".format(func, incorrect))
def test_grade_infinity(self):
# This resolves a bug where a problem with relative tolerance would
# pass with any arbitrarily large student answer.
Test that a large input on a problem with relative tolerance isn't
erroneously marked as correct.
sample_dict = {'x': (1, 2)}
......@@ -514,8 +537,9 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "incorrect")
def test_grade_nan(self):
# Attempt to produce a value which causes the student's answer to be
# evaluated to nan. See if this is resolved correctly.
Test that expressions that evaluate to NaN are not marked as correct.
sample_dict = {'x': (1, 2)}
......@@ -532,6 +556,18 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
input_formula = "x + 0*1e999"
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "incorrect")
def test_raises_zero_division_err(self):
See if division by zero raises an error.
sample_dict = {'x': (1, 2)}
problem = self.build_problem(sample_dict=sample_dict,
answer="x") # Answer doesn't matter
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '1/0'}
self.assertRaises(StudentInputError, problem.grade_answers, input_dict)
class StringResponseTest(ResponseTest):
from response_xml_factory import StringResponseXMLFactory
......@@ -592,7 +628,7 @@ class StringResponseTest(ResponseTest):
problem = self.build_problem(
script = textwrap.dedent("""
def gimme_a_hint(answer_ids, student_answers, new_cmap, old_cmap):
aid = answer_ids[0]
answer = student_answers[aid]
......@@ -898,6 +934,14 @@ class NumericalResponseTest(ResponseTest):
incorrect_responses = ["", "3.9", "4.1", "0", "5.01e1"]
self.assert_multiple_grade(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses)
def test_raises_zero_division_err(self):
"""See if division by zero is handled correctly"""
problem = self.build_problem(question_text="What 5 * 10?",
explanation="The answer is 50",
answer="5e+1") # Answer doesn't matter
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '1/0'}
self.assertRaises(StudentInputError, problem.grade_answers, input_dict)
class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
from response_xml_factory import CustomResponseXMLFactory
......@@ -947,8 +991,8 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# 'answer_given' is the answer the student gave (if there is just one input)
# or an ordered list of answers (if there are multiple inputs)
# The function should return a dict of the form
# The function should return a dict of the form
# { 'ok': BOOL, 'msg': STRING }
script = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class CapaFields(object):
max_attempts = StringyInteger(
display_name="Maximum Attempts",
help="Defines the number of times a student can try to answer this problem. If the value is not set, infinite attempts are allowed.",
values = {"min" : 1 }, scope=Scope.settings
values={"min": 1}, scope=Scope.settings
due = Date(help="Date that this problem is due by", scope=Scope.settings)
graceperiod = Timedelta(help="Amount of time after the due date that submissions will be accepted", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class CapaFields(object):
weight = StringyFloat(
display_name="Problem Weight",
help="Defines the number of points each problem is worth. If the value is not set, each response field in the problem is worth one point.",
values = {"min" : 0 , "step": .1},
values={"min": 0, "step": .1},
markdown = String(help="Markdown source of this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ class WordCloudFields(object):
help="Number of text boxes available for students to input words/sentences.",
values = {"min" : 1 }
values={"min": 1}
num_top_words = StringyInteger(
display_name="Maximum Words",
help="Maximum number of words to be displayed in generated word cloud.",
values = {"min" : 1 }
values={"min": 1}
display_student_percents = StringyBoolean(
display_name="Show Percents",
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class HTMLSnippet(object):
raise NotImplementedError(
"get_html() must be provided by specific modules - not present in {0}"
class XModuleFields(object):
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(XModuleFields, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates, XBlock):
metadata_translations = {
'slug': 'url_name',
'name': 'display_name',
# ============================= STRUCTURAL MANIPULATION ===================
def __init__(self,
......@@ -460,7 +460,6 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(XModuleFields, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates, XBlock):
return False
# ================================= JSON PARSING ===========================
def load_from_json(json_data, system, default_class=None):
......@@ -525,10 +524,10 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(XModuleFields, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates, XBlock):
# ================================= XML PARSING ============================
def load_from_xml(xml_data,
This method instantiates the correct subclass of XModuleDescriptor based
on the contents of xml_data.
......@@ -543,7 +542,7 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(XModuleFields, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates, XBlock):
class_ = XModuleDescriptor.load_class(
# leave next line, commented out - useful for low-level debugging
# log.debug('[XModuleDescriptor.load_from_xml] tag=%s, class_=%s' % (
# etree.fromstring(xml_data).tag,class_))
......@@ -665,11 +664,11 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(XModuleFields, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates, XBlock):
type = "Integer"
elif isinstance(field, Float):
type = "Float"
metadata_fields[] = {'field_name' :,
'type' : type,
'display_name' : field.display_name,
metadata_fields[] = {'field_name':,
'type': type,
'display_name': field.display_name,
'value': field.to_json(value),
'options' : values,
'options': values,
'default_value': field.to_json(default_value),
'inheritable': inheritable,
'explicitly_set': explicitly_set,
......@@ -768,7 +767,7 @@ class ModuleSystem(object):
Create a closure around the system environment.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -115,6 +115,11 @@ xmodule can be tested independently, with this:
rake test_common/lib/xmodule
other module level tests include
* `rake test_common/lib/capa`
* `rake test_common/lib/calc`
To run a single django test class:
rake test_lms[courseware.tests.tests:testViewAuth]
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ end
# the ENV_TOKENS to the templating context.
def preprocess_with_mako(filename)
# simple command-line invocation of Mako engine
# cdodge: the .gsub() are used to translate true->True and false->False to make the generated
# python actually valid python. This is just a short term hack to unblock the release train
# until a real fix can be made by people who know this better
mako = "from mako.template import Template;" +
"print Template(filename=\"#{filename}\")" +
# Total hack. It works because a Python dict literal has
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