Commit 284f081a by Bridger Maxwell

Added a new type of survey question, medium_field.

parent a350cea3
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class ExitSurveyTest(TestCase):
question_type = question['type']
if question_type == 'checkbox' or question_type == 'short_field':
if question_type == 'checkbox' or question_type == 'short_field' or question_type == 'medium_field':
# No other required fields
elif question_type == 'radio' or question_type == 'select_many':
......@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@
<%def name="survey_medium_field(question_name, label)">
<li class="survey_medium_field">
<textarea name="${question_name}"></textarea>
......@@ -60,6 +66,10 @@
%elif survey_question['type'] == 'short_field':
${survey_short_field(survey_question['question_name'], survey_question['label']) }
%elif survey_question['type'] == 'medium_field':
${survey_medium_field(survey_question['question_name'], survey_question['label']) }
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