Commit 27ec1b4d by David Ormsbee

Change course listing to show course numbers + title

parent e8516c5a
......@@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
def title(self):
return self.metadata['display_name']
def course_number(self):
return self.location.course
def instructors(self):
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<header class="course-preview">
<a href="${reverse('about_course', args=[])}">
<h2>${course.course_number} ${course.get_about_section('title')}</h2>
<div class="info-link">&#x2794;</div>
......@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
<section class="course-staff">
<h2>Course staff</h3>
<article class="teacher">
<div class="teacher-image">
<img src="${static.url('images/anant.jpg')}" />
......@@ -70,6 +74,7 @@
<h3>Piotr Mitros</h3>
<p>Research Scientist at MIT. His research focus is in finding ways to apply techniques from control systems to optimizing the learning process. Dr. Mitros has worked as an analog designer at Texas Instruments, Talking Lights, and most recently, designed the analog front end for a novel medical imaging modality for Rhythmia Medical.</p>
<section class="requirements">
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