Commit 261629d7 by stv

Copy over context from settings file

Instead of referencing the example externally, we now explain the
setting inline.
parent aae9e821
......@@ -80,10 +80,22 @@ FEATURES = {
## Doing so will cause all courses to be released on production
'DISABLE_START_DATES': False, # When True, all courses will be active, regardless of start date
# When True, will only publicly list courses by the subdomain. Expects you
# to define COURSE_LISTINGS, a dictionary mapping subdomains to lists of
# course_ids (see for an example)
# When True, will only publicly list courses by the subdomain.
# Expects you to define COURSE_LISTINGS, a dictionary mapping
# subdomains to lists of course_ids
# 'default': [
# 'BerkeleyX/CS169.1x/2012_Fall',
# 'HarvardX/CS50x/2012',
# 'MITx/3.091x/2012_Fall',
# ],
# 'openedx': [
# 'BerkeleyX/CS169.1x/2012_Fall',
# ],
# }
# To see it in action, add the following to your /etc/hosts file:
# When True, will override certain branding with university specific values
# Expects a SUBDOMAIN_BRANDING dictionary that maps the subdomain to the
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