<h3class="message-title">Your registration for the Pearson exam has been rejected</h3>
<pclass="message-copy">Please check the information you provided, and try to correct any demographic errors. Otherwise contact someone at edX or Pearson, or just scream for help.</p>
<h3class="message-title">Your registration for the Pearson exam has been processed</h3>
<pclass="message-copy">Your registration number is <strong>12345678901</strong> (Write this down! You’ll need it to schedule your exam.)</p>
<pclass="message-copy">Your registration number is <strong>${registration.client_authorization_id}</strong> (Write this down! You’ll need it to schedule your exam.)</p>
<liclass="item status status-pending status-demographics">
<h4class="title">Demographic Information</h4>
<pclass="details">The demographic information you most recently provided is pending. You may edit this information at any point before exam registration closes on <strong>${exam_info.registration_end_date_text}</strong></p>
% endif
% if registration.demographics_is_accepted:
<liclass="item status status-processed status-demographics">
<h4class="title">Demographic Information</h4>
<pclass="details">The demographic information you most recently provided has been processed. You may edit this information at any point before exam registration closes on <strong>${exam_info.registration_end_date_text}</strong></p>
% endif
% if registration.demographics_is_rejected:
<liclass="item status status-rejected status-demographics">
<h4class="title">Demographic Information</h4>
<pclass="details">The demographic information you most recently provided has been rejected by Pearson. You can correct and submit it again before the exam registration closes on <strong>${exam_info.registration_end_date_text}</strong>.</p>
% endif
<!-- then provide status of accommodations, if any -->
% if registration.accommodation_is_pending:
<liclass="item status status-pending status-accommodations">
<h4class="title">Accommodations Request</h4>
<pclass="details">Your requested accommodations are pending. Within a few days, you should see confirmation here of granted accommodations.</p>
% endif
% if registration.accommodation_is_accepted:
<liclass="item status status-processed status-accommodations">
<h4class="title">Accommodations Request</h4>
<pclass="details">Your requested accommodations have been reviewed and processed. You are allowed:</p>
<liclass="item status status-processed status-accommodations">
<h4class="title">Accommodations Request</h4>
<pclass="details">Your requested accommodations have been reviewed and processed. You are allowed no accommodations.</p>
% endif
<!-- finally provide status of registration -->
% if registration.registration_is_pending:
<liclass="item status status-pending status-registration">
<h4class="title">Registration Request</h4>
<pclass="details">Your exam registration is pending. Once your information is processed, it will be forwarded to Pearson and you will be able to schedule an exam.</p>
% endif
% if registration.registration_is_accepted:
<liclass="item status status-processed status-registration">
<h4class="title">Registration Request</h4>
<pclass="details">Your exam registration has been processed and has been forwarded to Pearson. You are now able to schedule an exam.</p>
% endif
% if registration.registration_is_rejected:
<liclass="item status status-rejected status-registration">
<h4class="title">Registration Request</h4>
<pclass="details">Your exam registration has been rejected by Pearson. <strong>You currently cannot schedule an exam</strong>.</p>
% endif
<!-- NOTE: Dem processed, Accom pending, Registration pending -->