Commit 2586f09d by Usman Khalid Committed by Renzo Lucioni

Add option to disable migrations when running tests

By default, migrations are applied as they always have been. Exporting DISABLE_MIGRATIONS=1 or passing --disable-migrations to Paver commands will create tables directly from apps' models.
parent db5fe130
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import os
from path import Path as path
from warnings import filterwarnings, simplefilter
from uuid import uuid4
from util.db import NoOpMigrationModules
# import settings from LMS for consistent behavior with CMS
# pylint: disable=unused-import
......@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ MONGO_HOST = os.environ.get('EDXAPP_TEST_MONGO_HOST', 'localhost')
THIS_UUID = uuid4().hex[:5]
# Nose Test Runner
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
TEST_RUNNER = 'openedx.core.djangolib.nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
_SYSTEM = 'cms'
......@@ -129,9 +130,10 @@ DATABASES = {
# This hack disables migrations during tests. We want to create tables directly from the models for speed.
# See
MIGRATION_MODULES = {app: "app.migrations_not_used_in_tests" for app in INSTALLED_APPS}
if os.environ.get('DISABLE_MIGRATIONS'):
# Create tables directly from apps' models. This can be removed once we upgrade
# to Django 1.9, which allows setting MIGRATION_MODULES to None in order to skip migrations.
MIGRATION_MODULES = NoOpMigrationModules()
LMS_BASE = "localhost:8000"
......@@ -231,3 +231,16 @@ def generate_int_id(minimum=0, maximum=MYSQL_MAX_INT, used_ids=None):
cid = random.randint(minimum, maximum)
return cid
class NoOpMigrationModules(object):
Return invalid migrations modules for apps. Used for disabling migrations during tests.
def __contains__(self, item):
return True
def __getitem__(self, item):
return "notmigrations"
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from path import Path as path
from uuid import uuid4
from warnings import filterwarnings, simplefilter
from util.db import NoOpMigrationModules
from openedx.core.lib.tempdir import mkdtemp_clean
# This patch disables the commit_on_success decorator during tests
......@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ PARENTAL_CONSENT_AGE_LIMIT = 13
SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE = False # To disable migrations and use syncdb instead
# Nose Test Runner
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
TEST_RUNNER = 'openedx.core.djangolib.nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
_SYSTEM = 'lms'
......@@ -188,9 +189,10 @@ DATABASES = {
# This hack disables migrations during tests. We want to create tables directly from the models for speed.
# See
MIGRATION_MODULES = {app: "app.migrations_not_used_in_tests" for app in INSTALLED_APPS}
if os.environ.get('DISABLE_MIGRATIONS'):
# Create tables directly from apps' models. This can be removed once we upgrade
# to Django 1.9, which allows setting MIGRATION_MODULES to None in order to skip migrations.
MIGRATION_MODULES = NoOpMigrationModules()
# This is the cache used for most things.
Utilities related to nose.
from import call_command
from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, connections, transaction
import django_nose
class NoseTestSuiteRunner(django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner):
"""Custom NoseTestSuiteRunner."""
def setup_databases(self):
""" Setup databases and then flush to remove data added by migrations. """
return_value = super(NoseTestSuiteRunner, self).setup_databases()
# Delete all data added by data migrations. Unit tests should setup their own data using factories.
call_command('flush', verbosity=0, interactive=False, load_initial_data=False)
# Through Django 1.8, auto increment sequences are not reset when calling flush on a SQLite db.
# So we do it ourselves.
connection = connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]
if connection.vendor == 'sqlite' and not connection.features.supports_sequence_reset:
with transaction.atomic(using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS):
cursor = connection.cursor()
"delete from sqlite_sequence;"
return return_value
......@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ __test__ = False # do not collect
make_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=0, dest="verbosity"),
make_option("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", dest="verbosity", default=1),
make_option("--pdb", action="store_true", help="Drop into debugger on failures or errors"),
help="Create tables directly from apps' models. Can also be used by exporting DISABLE_MIGRATIONS=1."
], share_with=['pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir'])
def test_system(options):
......@@ -51,6 +57,7 @@ def test_system(options):
'cov_args': getattr(options, 'cov_args', ''),
'skip_clean': getattr(options, 'skip_clean', False),
'pdb': getattr(options, 'pdb', False),
'disable_migrations': getattr(options, 'disable_migrations', False),
if test_id:
......@@ -134,6 +141,12 @@ def test_lib(options):
make_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=0, dest="verbosity"),
make_option("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", dest="verbosity", default=1),
make_option("--pdb", action="store_true", help="Drop into debugger on failures or errors"),
help="Create tables directly from apps' models. Can also be used by exporting DISABLE_MIGRATIONS=1."
def test_python(options):
......@@ -146,6 +159,7 @@ def test_python(options):
'extra_args': getattr(options, 'extra_args', ''),
'cov_args': getattr(options, 'cov_args', ''),
'pdb': getattr(options, 'pdb', False),
'disable_migrations': getattr(options, 'disable_migrations', False),
python_suite = suites.PythonTestSuite('Python Tests', **opts)
Classes used for defining and running python test suites
import os
from pavelib.utils.test import utils as test_utils
from pavelib.utils.test.suites.suite import TestSuite
from pavelib.utils.test.suites.nose_suite import LibTestSuite, SystemTestSuite
......@@ -16,11 +18,16 @@ class PythonTestSuite(TestSuite):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PythonTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.opts = kwargs
self.disable_migrations = kwargs.get('disable_migrations', False)
self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
self.subsuites = kwargs.get('subsuites', self._default_subsuites)
def __enter__(self):
super(PythonTestSuite, self).__enter__()
if self.disable_migrations:
os.environ['DISABLE_MIGRATIONS'] = '1'
if not (self.fasttest or self.skip_clean):
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