Commit 24af22ca by Braden MacDonald

Remove restrictions on library creation in Studio

parent 4d6cefcc
......@@ -523,13 +523,13 @@ class TestLibraryAccess(SignalDisconnectTestMixin, LibraryTestCase):
self._assert_cannot_create_library(expected_code=302) # 302 redirect to login expected
# Now create a non-staff user with no permissions:
# Now check that logged-in users without CourseCreator role can still create libraries
# Now check that logged-in users without any permissions cannot create libraries
with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP': True}):
lib_key2 = self._create_library(library="lib2", display_name="Test Library 2")
library2 = modulestore().get_library(lib_key2)
......@@ -458,6 +458,7 @@ def course_listing(request):
'in_process_course_actions': in_process_course_actions,
'libraries_enabled': LIBRARIES_ENABLED,
'libraries': [format_library_for_view(lib) for lib in libraries],
'show_new_library_button': LIBRARIES_ENABLED and request.user.is_active,
'user': request.user,
'request_course_creator_url': reverse('contentstore.views.request_course_creator'),
'course_creator_status': _get_course_creator_status(request.user),
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from .component import get_component_templates, CONTAINER_TEMPLATES
from student.auth import (
STUDIO_VIEW_USERS, STUDIO_EDIT_ROLES, get_user_permissions, has_studio_read_access, has_studio_write_access
from student.roles import CourseCreatorRole, CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, LibraryUserRole
from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, LibraryUserRole
from student import auth
from util.json_request import expect_json, JsonResponse, JsonResponseBadRequest
......@@ -115,9 +115,6 @@ def _create_library(request):
Helper method for creating a new library.
if not auth.has_access(request.user, CourseCreatorRole()):
log.exception(u"User %s tried to create a library without permission", request.user.username)
raise PermissionDenied()
display_name = None
display_name = request.json['display_name']
......@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ class UnitTestLibraries(ModuleStoreTestCase):
@patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP': True})
def test_lib_create_permission(self):
Users who aren't given course creator roles shouldn't be able to create
libraries either.
Users who are not given course creator roles should still be able to
create libraries.
ns_user, password = self.create_non_staff_user()
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class UnitTestLibraries(ModuleStoreTestCase):
response = self.client.ajax_post(LIBRARY_REST_URL, {
'org': 'org', 'library': 'lib', 'display_name': "New Library",
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
......@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
% if course_creator_status=='granted':
<a href="#" class="button new-button new-course-button"><i class="icon fa fa-plus icon-inline"></i>
${_("New Course")}</a>
% if libraries_enabled:
<a href="#" class="button new-button new-library-button"><i class="icon fa fa-plus icon-inline"></i>
${_("New Library")}</a>
% endif
% elif course_creator_status=='disallowed_for_this_site' and settings.FEATURES.get('STUDIO_REQUEST_EMAIL',''):
<a href="mailto:${settings.FEATURES.get('STUDIO_REQUEST_EMAIL','')}">${_("Email staff to create course")}</a>
% endif
% if show_new_library_button:
<a href="#" class="button new-button new-library-button"><i class="icon fa fa-plus icon-inline"></i>
${_("New Library")}</a>
% endif
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
%if course_creator_status == "granted":
% if show_new_library_button:
<div class="notice-item has-actions">
<div class="msg">
<h3 class="title">${_('Create Your First Library')}</h3>
......@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
% endif
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