Commit 24ab36c8 by JonahStanley

Unskip Acceptance Tests

parent 67f8d488
Feature: Problem Editor
As a course author, I want to be able to create problems and edit their settings.
Scenario: User can view metadata
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then I see five alphabetized settings and their expected values
And Edit High Level Source is not visible
Scenario: User can modify String values
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then I can modify the display name
And my display name change is persisted on save
Scenario: User can specify special characters in String values
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then I can specify special characters in the display name
And my special characters and persisted on save
Scenario: User can revert display name to unset
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then I can revert the display name to unset
And my display name is unset on save
Scenario: User can select values in a Select
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
......@@ -37,7 +32,6 @@ Feature: Problem Editor
And my change to randomization is persisted
And I can revert to the default value for randomization
Scenario: User can modify float input values
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
......@@ -45,25 +39,21 @@ Feature: Problem Editor
And my change to weight is persisted
And I can revert to the default value of unset for weight
Scenario: User cannot type letters in float number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the weight to "abc", it remains unset
Scenario: User cannot type decimal values integer number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the max attempts to "2.34", it displays initially as "234", and is persisted as "234"
Scenario: User cannot type out of range values in an integer number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the max attempts to "-3", it displays initially as "-3", and is persisted as "0"
Scenario: Settings changes are not saved on Cancel
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
......@@ -71,13 +61,11 @@ Feature: Problem Editor
And I can modify the display name
Then If I press Cancel my changes are not persisted
Scenario: Edit High Level source is available for LaTeX problem
Given I have created a LaTeX Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then Edit High Level Source is visible
Scenario: High Level source is persisted for LaTeX problem (bug STUD-280)
Given I have created a LaTeX Problem
When I edit and compile the High Level Source
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ Feature: Create Subsection
And I reload the page
Then I see the correct dates
Scenario: Delete a subsection
Given I have opened a new course section in Studio
And I have added a new subsection
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ Feature: Video Component
Given I have created a Video component
Then when I view the video it does show the captions
Scenario: Captions are toggled correctly
Given I have created a Video component
And I have toggled captions
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