<%= interpolate_text('You are taking "{exam_link}" as a {exam_type} exam. The timer on the right shows the time remaining in the exam.', {exam_link: "<a href='" + exam_url_path + "'>"+gtLtEscape(exam_display_name)+"</a>", exam_type: (!_.isUndefined(arguments[0].exam_type)) ? exam_type : gettext('timed')}) %>
<%= interpolate_text('You are taking "{exam_link}" as a {exam_type} exam. The timer on the right shows the time remaining in the exam.', {exam_link: "<a href='" + exam_url_path + "'>"+gtLtEscape(exam_display_name)+"</a>", exam_type: (!_.isUndefined(arguments[0].exam_type)) ? exam_type : gettext('timed')}) %>
<%- gettext('To receive credit on a problem, you must click "Check" or "Final Check" on it before you select "End My Exam".') %>