Commit 22d6c680 by jsa

expand forums' search text input whenever the field receives focus.

parent 6c0ac477
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ if Backbone?
"click .home": "goHome"
"click .browse": "toggleTopicDrop"
"keydown .post-search-field": "performSearch"
"focus .post-search-field": "showSearch"
"click .sort-bar a": "sortThreads"
"click .browse-topic-drop-menu": "filterTopic"
"click .browse-topic-drop-search-input": "ignoreClick"
......@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ if Backbone?
setTimeout (-> @$(".post-search-field").focus()), 200
setTimeout (-> @$(".post-search-field").focus()), 200 unless @$(".post-search-field").is(":focus")
goHome: ->
@template = _.template($("#discussion-home").html())
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